Program: “Archaeology of the War of 1812-Battle of Caulk’s Field.” Dr. Julie Schablitsky, Maryland State Highways Administration, Chief Archaeologist.
Abstract/Preview: Under a moon lit night on August 31, 1814, British Sir Captain Peter Parker engaged American Lieutenant Colonel Philip Reed in battle on an open field in Kent County, Maryland. After an hour of artillery and musket fire, the British, suffering heavy casualties, quit the field. Dr. Julie Schablitsky, under a National Park Service, American Battlefield Protection Program grant, completed a metal detector survey across 80 acres of agricultural fields to learn more about this pivotal battle. She considered military tactics, landscape, and artifact locations to reveal tro0p locations, an American encampment, and the battlefield boundary. Dr. Schablitsky will present the results of this investigation in this program.
Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Time: Open for refreshments at 6:30. Speaker program begins at 7:00 pm.
Location: Historical Society of Cecil County, 135 E. Main Street, Elkton, MD