Links to High Quality Digital Content for Local & Family History Research in Cecil & Harford counties

Since there is an enormous, rapidly growing body of research information available on the web, there is a need for a curated landing page, a place in the public commons on the net, to help someone digging into the past. This opportunity to help researchers is something I encounter often during public lectures and courses as I get questions about how to find helpful e-information. As a result, I beta tested some curated social media products and apps, such as Learnist and Liiist.

I have decided that the best way to point someone to valuable e-resources is to simply create a series of web pages, based on that test. Thus I have established this series, which focuses on linking to quality family and local history research resources related to the Delmarva Peninsula. This section of my website provides links to digital repositories, which have richly organized information and provide access to collections of quality resources for family and local history resources.

The landing page has general resources and the supporting pages are divided into major regions on the Peninsula.  Select your region of interest and on the page you will find topical headings to direct you to rich content. The pages will concentrate on linking to high quality digital repositories of online data to help local and family history researchers.

Hopefully this helps you with your study of the past. If you have suggestions for additions or how to improve the product email me. I will continue to monitor the web and e-news outlets for developments, which should be added to the pages and add items as they come up, in order to help all of us with research in the region.

Click here to go to curated links site.

This curated site links to rich content digital pages, which help with family and local history research on Delmarva
This curated site links to rich content digital pages, which help with family and local history research on Delmarva

Diggins Works With National Park Service to Nominate Two Sites For Underground Railroad Listing

By Milt Diggins

Myths and legends abound about the Cecil County Underground Railroad sites. Old houses with a secluded space set off speculation that it was a station on the Underground Railroad, despite the lack of documentation. Quilts hanging up in yards supposedly gave secret signals to escaping slaves. The Underground Railroad was presumably a vast sophisticated network that brought thousands upon thousands of people out of slavery. The traditional history of the Underground Railroad justly heralded the efforts of white men and women who helped freedom seekers, but often neglected to mention the free blacks who assisted and the freedom seekers who escaped on their own initiative.

milt diggins underground railroad
Milt Diggins, 2nd from left, meets with members of the Maryland Commission on African American History and Culture

Broadly defined to include individual efforts to seek freedom as well as organized and spontaneous efforts to assist freedom seekers, the Underground Railroad played an important role in our national heritage. In the 1990s the national government recognized the need for an accurate depiction of the Underground Railroad in order to preserve that heritage. Congress charged the National Park Service with organizing and coordinating a national effort to gather and verify the accuracy of Underground Railroad stories tied to sites and trails, and to promote partnerships and educational programs to share those stories.

The National Park Service website Network to Freedom ( provides a fuller explanation of their Underground Railroad Project. The website also features a database of designated Underground Railroad sites, facilities, and programs. Teachers and organizations offering programs can find a wealth of educational resources. Another section of the website presents Underground Railroad history through essays, individual stories, research reports, a map, a timeline, and multimedia.

Cecil County did not have any officially designated UGRR sites. In April, the National Park Service, in partnership with the Maryland Department of Tourism, asked if I would select, research, and verify the UGRR connection with a few county sites or trials, and submit detailed applications in July. If the applications are approved, the National Park Service will officially designate the proposed sites as UGRR sites. I focused on transportation links for the nominations.

Location has made Cecil County a significant transportation link on the east coast. Waterways and roadways in Cecil County have carried traffic between Philadelphia and Baltimore ever since the colonial period, and in the 1830s one of the nation’s earliest railroads linked the two cities. This transportation heritage offered the best candidates for UGRR nominations. Frenchtown, the Chesapeake Bay, the Susquehanna River, the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad, and the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal have documented UGRR stories. I researched and wrote up applications for two obvious trails used by UGRR conductors and freedom seekers: The Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad station and steamboat ferry at Perryville, and the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal.

If the applications are approved, summaries of 200 words or less will be available on the Network to Freedom website, and the detailed applications on the Cecil County Underground Railroad sites are available on request through the website. The following are the summaries for the two nominations (The C&D summary is slightly larger than the one on the application):

The Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad Station and Steam Ferry Landing site in Perryville, Maryland, at the mouth of the Susquehanna River, is relevant to the resistance to slavery. The site is associated with famous and lesser-known escapes, and one kidnapping and rescue of a free Pennsylvania citizen. At the Susquehanna River, trains stopped in Havre de Grace, passengers and cars crossed on the railroad ferry, and resumed their journey from the Perryville station. Frederick Douglass escaped on this railroad in 1838, and the Crafts in 1848. Charlotte Giles and Harriet Eglin escaped from Baltimore on this railroad. Henry “Box” Brown was freighted across on the ferry in 1849. Rachel Parker was kidnapped on the last day of 1851 by Thomas McCreary, who Frederick Douglass and other abolitionists referred to as “the notorious kidnapper from Elkton.” Part of the drama of her abduction, her rescue, and her pleas for freedom unfolded at Perryville. In 1853, Aaron Digges, fleeing from a Baltimore butcher, entered the train at the Susquehanna crossing, but he fell into the hands of Constable Thomas McCreary. In 1854, Henry fled from John Stump, who owned the land at Perry Point, by taking the train out of Perryville.

The US Army Corps of Engineers currently owns and operates the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. This canal, built in 1829 by investors, provided a route for freedom seekers on steamboats, schooners, and other watercraft. Boats entered at Elk River in Cecil County, Maryland and exited at Delaware City, New Castle County, Delaware. This eliminated approximately 300 nautical miles between Baltimore and Philadelphia. This Chesapeake Bay to Delaware River route to Philadelphia was also safer for smaller watercraft than a voyage into the Atlantic Ocean and Delaware Bay. William Still and Sydney Gay recorded escapes on steamboats and schooners passing through the canal from Baltimore, Norfolk, and Richmond. Local newspapers reported unsuccessful canal-related escapes and complained about suspicious Philadelphia oyster boats assisting escapes. When some freedom seekers fled from the lower Eastern Shore, a newspaper commented that the close watch kept on the canal would make it difficult for them to pass that way.

Cecil County Underground Railroad map
Part of the chart of the Chesapeake and Delaware Bays shows the Upper Peninsula and areas for the Cecil County Underground Railroad. Published by Fielding Lucas Jr., Baltimore, 1840. Source:

Photographing an Execution

Mounted on the wall in Sheriff John F. DeWitt’s office in the antiquated 19th-century Cecil County jail were two photographs he proudly displayed and discussed. When someone first visited the county’s top lawman in a space that was full of career-related memorabilia, he often directed the visitor’s gaze to these images of a hanging.

ticket to hanging sheriff biddle
A ticket to the last hanging, signed by Sheriff Biddle

Those old pictures from long ago showed a young man, 23, spending his last minutes on earth in the Elkton jailhouse yard. In those days, the local lockup, the equivalent of Maryland’s Death Row at that time, was the place where felons were executed, the gruesome task falling to the local sheriff.

Jack particularly enjoyed sharing the narrative about those moments permanently frozen in time with fresh journalists, who stopped by his office for some reason or another. Impressionable teenagers, especially troubled ones, were targets too, getting the full treatment.  And he would use the images while extolling his criminal justice philosophies to any curious types. He was ten steps to the right of Attila the Hun (or something along that line) was one of the things he would squeeze in.  Of course, he was a strong supporter of the death penalty.

Convicted of the murder of Judge Albert Constable, John M. Simpers, spent his final days in  cell two on the second floor of what had become known in the 1970s as the “DeWitt Hotel.”  It was the same one occupied by Truss, Cooper, and Stout. as they awaited their fate on Cecil’s death row, years earlier.

Minutes before 10:00 a.m. on October 20, 1905, Sheriff George C. Biddle and Deputy J. Wesley McAllister entered the cell, which had been under a constant around-the-clock death watch for days, to escort the doomed man outside.  Harry Moore had acted as the day watch over Simpers, while Sheriff Biddle and Deputy McAllister divided the long night hours. 

In the yard, the convict ascended the gallows, with the two lawmen at his side.  All the gruesome equipment was ready for this day, the one designated in the death warrant.  The Scaffold had been completed and tested earlier in the week by contractor Calvin Merritt, who had built “each death machine” that had been “used in executions in Cecil County for the past thirty-five years,” the Cecil Democrat observed.  The black cap used to mask the face was made by Charles Purnell, and the rope was supplied by Fisher Bros. of Philadelphia.

A photographer permanently captured this autumn scene of the hanging in a series of shots up to the point where Sheriff Biddle picked up a hatchet and cut the rope, causing the death trap to spring open and the body to shoot downward. The Washington Post described what the camera didn’t capture: “Like a flash, the body of the murderer shot downward, swayed back and forth, turned around, and then became still. In twelve minutes the jail physician pronounced Simpers dead.”

Until 1879 legal executions had been public spectacles, drawing large, frenzied crowds as people gathered to watch convicts die. But a new state law stopped this, and the last one before this took place in the yard of the jail in 1893.

The Simpers execution in 1905 was conducted in the presence of about 35 people and not more than a hundred gathered outside the granite wall while the hangman discharged his disagreeable duty.  But two outsiders got a view of it, perched in the topmost branches of trees in front of the jail. “People pressed through the yard after the body was born out and viewed the gallows, but few obtained, few if any souvenirs of the gruesome event,” the Appeal wrote.

The body remained “suspended until about 10:30 when the noose was loosened and lifted and the corpse was placed in a temporary box which was borne through the jail yard gate to the waiting wagon of Undertaker Clark S. Grant of Cherry Hill, according to the Elkton Appeal. He removed it to his premises in that village and interment took place in a more corner of the county burial ground, the Potter’s Field.

Cecil County Sheriff DeWitt
Sheriff DeWitt in his office in the old jail, in the 1970s. One photo of the last hanging is on the wall behind him.  This picture was taken by the library to promote reading.  Notice that he is holding “Crime and Justice.” (source: Cecil County Library

A photographer was there to capture those last minutes in a series of pictures.  Jack had two of them in his office, and many other local people have copies of shots showing the moments leading up to the cutting of the rope.

There are several of these around the community, including the ones in the Sheriff’s office. When examining them, look carefully for differences, as a number were snapped, recording those rapidly passing seconds. When the “black cap was drawn over his face to shut out earthly sights before the fatal plunge,” seems to be when the photographer stopped snapping photos. Or perhaps those final images were kept close and never circulated beyond the criminal justice system.

These two were given to me by the Sheriff sometime back in the 1970s. I also remember Mr. Dan Henry, an elderly deputy, saying that he was one of the kids in the tree.

At this point, I don’t know who the photographer of the hanging was, but given that we know the names of individuals in this trade in the county seat, we should be able to figure that out. I will update this once I examine the business directories.

cecil county execution
One of a series of photos of the last execution in Cecil County. The black cap is getting ready to be pulled over the convict’s head before the rope is cut. This is a copy of the one Sheriff DeWitt had in his office

Other executions were photographed around the nation in this era, as a Google search will show.

cecil county execution
Another of the execution photos in the sheriff’s office.

CAB Accident Investigation Reports for Eastern and Pan American Airlines Crashes in Cecil County Available Online

plane crashes in cecil county
CAB Investigation Report for Eastern Airlines Crash in 1947 near Bainbridge, MD.

The National Transportation Library of the Department of Transportation has digitized numerous collections to provide easy access for DOT library customers and researchers. In that array of valuable research materials are the investigations of aircraft accidents from 1934 – 1965, the investigations of railroad accidents 1911 – 1993, and much more. Here is the link to the DOT library’s digital collections.

Of particular interest to researchers are two commercial airplane crashes in Cecil County. One involved an Eastern Air Lines Flight that took place near Bainbridge Naval Training Center on May 30, 1947.  The other involved Pan American World Airways, which occurred at the edge of Elkton on December 8, 1963.

We had previously linked to those materials at the digital library but since readers often report trouble with the links, we are providing copies of the official Civil Aeronautics Board investigations here.

Here is the link to the 1947 Port Deposit Crash.

Here is the link to the 1963 Pan Americn Airlines Crash.

Singerly Listening Station Continues: An Interview With Chief John Turnbull (retired).

Recording Chief Turnbull's stories.
Recording Chief Turnbull’s stories.

The Singerly Listening Station was open on July 12, 2014, and many of the most senior members of the fire department stopped by the company museum to share stories about serving the community decades ago.  In this session we listened to past Chief John Turnbull talk about joining the ranks in 1963, some of the unforgettable incidents he was involved in, his time in charge of the department, and the changes he has seen.

Thank you Chief Turnbull for your service and for helping document the Singerly Story.  This is a brief outtake of about 11 minutes, from a much longer interview. The longer recordings will be archived for research purposes, while we are streaming this segment.

Fifteen members participated in this initial oral history session, and we will be sharing more of those installments in the weeks ahead.  We will also be doing  additional interviews as we finish processing this initial batch of material.

Past Chiefs, John Turnbull (right) and  Rodney Founds at the Station 13 dedication in 2013.
Past Chiefs, John Turnbull (right) and Rodney Founds at the Station 13 dedication in 2013.



Singerly Junior Officer Recalls Fire Company Working a Presidential Detail

2014-07-24 09.20.31ar
Hampton Scott talks to the Singerly Listening Station.

Elkton, July 24, 2014 — Today, a veteran firefighter, Leroy Hampton Scott, III (Scotty), sat down to help fill in Singerly Fire Company’s past at the department’s listening station. With over a half-a-century under his belt, the former assistant chief shared stories that are part of a structured initiative called the Singerly Listening Station, an oral history project documenting the public safety agency’s heritage and honoring the memories of those who served.

The teenager joined the ranks as a rookie in 1958.  After that, he contributed countless hours to the service, fighting blazes, hanging onto the back of rushing fire engines, fundraising, and helping keep the organization running. He reached the rank of deputy chief before retiring from active duty.

Scotty had many recollections, but some stood out more than others. When the senior fire service leader was asked about an extraordinary thing etched in his memory, he quickly mentioned an event that took place 51 years ago this autumn, something he still vividly recalls.

“The things you got to do, but you’ll never get a chance to do again,” he explained. “As near as I am to you (about 5 feet away),” he motioned with a sweeping hand gesture, “I was that close to the president.”  The Singerly junior officer was part of a November 14, 1963, detail, helping protect President Kennedy during his 62-minute visit to dedicate the new interstate highway.

Long before the chief executive touched down on Cecil County soil, security, crowd control, and safety arrangements had carefully been pinned down. Elite secret service men guarded JFK, Maryland and Delaware State Police established secure perimeters, and the fire department stood by at the landing site.

When Marine 1 came into view, newspapers estimated 5,000 people stood on the Mason-Dixon Line. That helicopter eased down to the ground, bringing the nation’s leader to the famous old Line where a speaker’s stand was set up for the ceremony. The Delaware National Guard “played Hail to the Chief” while the president walked to the stand to offer remarks.

The large, enthusiastic crowd greeted the energetic leader warmly on that memorable day in mid-autumn. As JFK, the governors and other dignitaries delivered speeches, an engine and rescue truck stood by in case they were needed. “I recall that Aetna Hose Hook and Ladder of Newark, Delaware, was there too since it was on the state line, and I believe we had an ambulance,” he noted.

“We were right up front. They wanted us nearby in case something happened, as it did eight days later.”  Chief Edgar (Spec) Slaughter commanded the operation that day: “I was on 27, the old rescue. The rescue got placed closer in,” Scotty recalled.

After snipping the ribbon and unveiling a marker on the state line, the president shook hands while returning to the helicopter. At the door of the craft, he waved to the crowd before disappearing inside. “While the bird faded into the eastern horizon, the area was bathed in a dramatic sunset as people headed back to their cars on this chilly Thursday afternoon,” the Morning News reported.

Scotty was also a rural mail carrier in 1963, and when he came back to the post office on November 22, 1963, he learned about the death of the president. Everyone in Cecil County recalled that it was only eight days earlier that the president had visited Cecil to open the Northeastern Express, which was soon renamed the John F. Kennedy Memorial Highway.

While many here had seen John F. Kennedy on that historic day, Scotty’s work as a rookie volunteer firefighter had allowed him to see the energetic, youthful man up close, making the entire sequence of events mean that much more to him, he concluded.

While most people settled down to listen to news flashes out of Dallas and to deal with the shock, Scotty wasn’t done.   “I also worked with my dad in construction after finishing the mail. We had just poured concrete at the First National Bank of North East. I had to stay and finish the concrete, and everybody in the world was coming by to tell us what had happened.

This was just one of Scotty’s many stories, a moment when a volunteer fire department assignment brought him to the dedication of the new expressway, where he stood feet away from the President of the United States.  His encounter with Kennedy was thrilling and was something he shared 51 years later.  Since it is a unique Singerly story, we decided to share it now. A video summary of Scotty’s full interview will be posted in the next few weeks.

Residents hold signs greeting President Kennedy in Cecil County
Residents hold signs greeting President Kennedy. Source: The Cheeseman Collection at the Historical Society of Cecil County
Hampton Scott at Sta. 13
Hampton Scott at Sta. 13

Singerly Listening Station Opens as Senior Fire Service Members Share Memories

Singerly Fire Company officially kicked off an oral history initiative, the Singerly Listening Station, on July 12, 2014.  Part of a larger process that is preserving and documenting the history of the department, the recordings will be archived in the company museum.  Longer, raw footage is retained for research and future use.  A shorter edited video production of about 10 minutes will feature highlights from each interview.

For the first session, fifteen of the most senior members gathered to reminisce and share memories, speaking from first hand knowledge and experiences.

In this interview, a past president and assistant chief, Walt Morgan, shares the story about over a half-century of volunteer service, having joined in 1961.

Look for additional screenings of interviews in the weeks ahead, as we archive and edit over 9 hours of recordings.

This is an ongoing process and a data collection strategy has been devised. The company started with the oldest members and in the months ahead more interviews will be done. In addition as command officers (administrative and line) retire from positions, they will be interviewed.

As we continue our work, here is Walt sharing the narrative about over a half-century of volunteer service in Elkton and Cecil County.



Port Herman: An Annual Gathering Place for Vacationers

In the early 20th century, Port Herman was the place to be during the hot, humid summer months.  The small waterfront community on the Elk River shore attracted city folks seeking to lighten the oppressiveness of the season by catching fresh breezes and enjoying the cooling water.

Elk River House Port Herman
Elk River House

It all started in 1843 when Robert H. Thomas, an entrepreneur from Philadelphia, purchased a large tract along the Elk River from John Rawlings.  He planned to develop the land that had been part of Augustine Herman’s vast Bohemia Manor estate and, in short order, improved his holding.  Streets, such as Cherry, Front, and Second, were laid out, and the land was subdivided into building lots.

The Cecil Whig reported that the businessman also built a steam saw and plaster mill and began a large steam-driven cotton factory. Mr. Thomas’s involvement with steam and the capabilities provided by his sawmill must have created an interest in boat construction, for in August 1852, the Whig noted that he was having a steamboat built.

Port Herman’s “little steamer,” the John C. Groome, was launched that year.  The vessel needed no pier because it was only 21 feet wide, and with a shallow draft, it was designed to run to Elkton, the Head of Sassafras, the Head of Bohemia, and other narrow tributaries inaccessible to larger steamers.

Working out of Port Herman, the vessel was running up the waterways at the head of the Chesapeake when the next sailing season arrived.  An auxiliary boat, she connected with the Philadelphia and Baltimore boat, the Lady Wilmer, at Port Herman.

In the 1850s, Mr. Thomas sold his building lots to Thomas Marshall, James Van Horne (a steamboat captain), G. A. Thompson, and others. During his time, he built a few more boats. When the executors settled his estate in the late 1850s, one unfinished vessel was on his Port Herman property.

Area farmers used Port Herman and its facilities to ship crops to city markets.  There was a wharf, warehouses, and a store on the 1877 Atlas of Cecil County.

The year the steamboat launched was a time for big happenings in Port Herman.  A few months after that important event, the Postmaster General gave villagers a place to post and pick up mail.  “Seventy inhabitants and fifty families living within two miles of Port Herman now had regular mail facilities, the Cecil Democrat observed.

According to government records, Thomas C. Mashall served as the postmaster. In his first half-year of business, the postmaster collected $3.17 and received $3.28 in compensation. Somehow, about two months before the pivotal, bloody Civil War battle at Gettysburg, the federal bureaucracy found time to shut down the little station (April 7, 1863).

A school, the Town Point School, opened in 1877, just outside the village.  Located where the road branches off to Town Point, it was adjacent to the store of W. S. Way, Esq, on land previously owned by Col. Joshua Clayton.  It superseded an earlier one listed in county records as being in Port Herman.  The building was sold for $166 in 1938, according to “Cecil County, Maryland Public Schools 1850-1958.

A large boarding house or summer hotel, the Elk River House, opened in September 1888.  Having rooms for 50 boarders, Thomas Griffin built it for Wm. J. Fears.  Two years after the hotel opened, the Elkton Appeal editorialized that the number of city residents who could afford to spend summertime in the country was increasing.  “This is seen in the numbers of people who have visited the few boarding places open the past summer along our rivers.”

Elk River House Port Herman 1907
A postcard of the Elk River House in 1907. (source: personal collection)

Port Herman’s hotel capitalized on the growing vacation trend, becoming an annual gathering place for long vacations.  A July 1919 advertisement said, “Elk River House Now Open – boarding by meal, day or week.  Automobile and yachting parties taken care of – WM. FEARS.”

The year before World War I was a progressive one.  Citizens formed the Town Point Improvement Association, which had better roads for the area as its chief goal.  Everyone residing in Town Point Neck was invited to join.

On the Fourth of July 1916, the Improvement Association hosted the “first celebration” on the banks of the Elk River, surrounding the hotel.”  Celebration-goers were favored with the finest weather, as several hundred visitors in automobiles and boats attended.

Port Herman

It was a great day in the village. In the morning, there was a parade, a patriotic speech, songs, and refreshments. After lunch, boat and tub races and a ball game were featured. Illuminations, fireworks, and a phonograph concert in the evening finished off a perfect day.

During a fierce wind and rain storm, ground was broken for the new Town Point. M.E. Church in February 1916.  By September, residents were invited to participate in the “most important event in the history” of the village, laying a cornerstone of the new Methodist Church.  Previously the church had met in a building that was either a vinegar mill or a blacksmith shop, old postcards indicate.

They wouldn’t miss a summer holiday that year before the Great War disrupted life.  On Labor Day, the American Mechanics raised a flag and conducted a patriotic program at the school, which had been enlarged to accommodate the area’s increasing population.  After the celebration everyone marched over to the church where a lawn party was held.

Today the Elk River House is on the market, according to a sign on Front Street.  But in 1998, I had the pleasure of speaking with the elderly owner, Franconia Johnson.  She recalled hearing older residents talk about the summer hotel.  “The Ericsson steamer would bring vacations down from Philadelphia each Saturday during the summer, and the hotel would send its wagon down to the pier to pick up the guests.

After World War II, Mrs. Johnson recalled that Bob Fears had a public beach along the shore.  He built a concession stand, a bathhouse, and summer cottages to accommodate guests.  The cottages were rented for the season, she remarked.  And each year, when the summer months rolled around, the village freshened up as guests looked forward to a vacation here.  Dips in the river, crabbing, canoeing, rowing, and launching, all the favorite water sports were on the schedule.  Of course, there were walks on the beach, dances, enjoyable meals, camping, music, picnicking, and much more at this breezy spot on the Elk River.

This picturesque, little riverside community preserves a unique part of Cecil County’s history.

Click here for additional modern photos.

Click here for additional postcards.


Fire & Police Protective Services at Perry Point – The Early Decades

A birds-eye view of the Perry Point Village, from a postcard, circa 1922.  Source:  personal collection
A birds-eye view of the Perry Point Village, from a postcard, circa 1922. Source: personal collection

As the United States advanced plans to support combat in World War I, the federal government purchased some of Cecil County’s most scenic property, the Perry Point estate. This expansive 516-acre tract at the head of the Chesapeake Bay was leased to the Atlas Powder Company early in 1918, and by March the erection of the huge explosives plant was underway.

Along with the production facilities, the company also built a village for the workers. This community contained over 200 houses for workers. Also there was a school, parks, stores, motion picture theatre, church, fire house, everything a modern 20th century town needed, according to the Architectural Review of January 1919.

The 6,500 construction men advanced the work rapidly, but the war ended quickly. So the government converted the plant into a medical facility for the treatment of veterans in 1919. The U.S. Public Health Service managed this hospital, and the Veterans Bureau took over the campus in 1922.

Beginning with the powder plant there was a fire department, which adjusted over time as the purpose of Perry Point evolved. By the late 1920s The Perry Point VAH Fire Department protected the hospital, dwellings in the village, nurses’ quarters, schoolhouse, theatre, club, stores, warehouses, and other structures.

To carry out this protective service, one fire marshal and thirteen firefighters were detailed to the station, four men working a shift, in the late 1920s. The department operated an “American La France pumper, one White Chemical Truck and one American-La France combination chemical and pumping machine, with a Ford light truck” to carry equipment, according to the Perry Point Bulletin, June 1929.

To call out this modern force, 33-pull boxes were distributed around the campus. Pulling the handle caused a large gong to ring out the number of the activated box. While the calls sounded on a bell, a permanent tape punch machine recorded the call box number, too. Test runs revealed a rapid response, as it took 59-seconds to answer the average call, the Bulletin reported.

Another aspect of the Federal protective services was the police department. In the late 1920s, the force consisted of a chief and ten patrolmen. Officers were on duty around the clock. Someone was continuously assigned to the gate, while other men made patrol rounds.

The Perry Point Fire Department, From the Perry Point Bulletin, Feb. 1930 in the collection of the Historical Society of Cecil County.
The Perry Point Fire Department, From the Perry Point Bulletin, Feb. 1930 in the collection of the Historical Society of Cecil County.

A postcard dated April 1922, with the following message:  "Our fire engine house, U.S. Veterans Hospital # 42, Perry Point, MD. :  Source:  Personal Collection
A postcard dated April 1922, with the following message: “Our fire engine house, U.S. Veterans Hospital # 42, Perry Point, MD. : Source: Personal Collection

Another image of the Perry Point Fire Department from a postcard.  Circa:  1920s.  Source:  Personal Collection.
Another image of the Perry Point Fire Department from a postcard. Circa: 1920s. Source: Personal Collection.