Final Patrol Boat on the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal

November 19, 1968, was a sunny, cold day on the Chesapeake and Delaware and the Pilot, a canal patrol boat, was on its last official run. Months earlier, the Corps of Engineers had decided her work was done, so she was making this final journey from the Town Point Station to the Chesapeake City Dock.

Protestors attempted to save the Pilot, but the government said that closed-circuit TVs, radar, and advances in radio communications had replaced the work. So after completing the final patrol on November 15, the crew tied her to the pier at midnight to await this day, the removal to Chesapeake City.

On that sentimental Tuesday, the men who had patrolled the waterway chatted about the 27-year-old craft’s history, noting how she plied the waters on safety patrols, met incoming ships, checked traffic conditions, enforced safety regulations, and made rescues, the Cecil Whig reported. There had been three boats, but after this mid-autumn day, only Reedy Point, Delaware, remained. Her days were numbered too.

The patrols started after the Corps of Engineers modernized the canal in 1927, removing locks and rickety wooden drawbridges. The Eleanor S., the Joy, the Dragon, and the Escort I were some earlier vessels that churned the waters for the Corps of Engineers, keeping a watchful eye on activities.

As the pilot approached the Chesapeake City Bridge, the engine was slowed down, and soon she pulled beside her retired sister craft, the Convoy, which was “already collecting cobwebs as she rocked softly at dockside.” The Whig noted that this is how the Pilot would spend her last days.

patrol boat on the chesapeake and delaware canal
The Patrol boat, Pilot, on the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Source: Cecil Whig, November 20, 1968

patrol boat on canal at town point
The Pilot leaves Town Point. Source: Cecil Whig, November 20, 1968

Also of Interest

Tokens for Your Work on the C & D Canal

Lighthouses on the C & D Canal

Civil War Days on the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal

Theatre Newsreel Footage of 1947 Crash of Eastern Airlines Flight Outside Port Deposit

Scene from newsreel of Eastern Airlines Flight 605 Crash in 1947.  Source:  British Pathe
Scene from a newsreel of Eastern Airlines Flight 605 Crash in 1947. Source: British Pathe

Cecil County has had more than its share of tragic commercial airline accidents and periodically these tragedies get attention as memorials are dedicated or a remembrance program is held.  The crashes are well documented in newspaper clippings, letters, official reports, and photographs in online digital newspaper collections and at various web archives.

Now additional sources are becoming available as old movie footage is digitized and streamed online. That is the case with the Port Deposit Plane Crash, Eastern Airlines Flight 605, which suddenly plunged from the sky on a gorgeous Memorial Day in 1947. The doomed, out-of-control craft streaked earthward and when it struck the ground, observers said there was a puff of white smoke, a flash of orange, and a billowing cloud of smoke. All 53 people on board died from the impact and explosion. Mrs. Jeanette Nesbit Hillyer arranged for a monument to be erected at the site in 2011, assuring that the fading memory of the terrible event would not be forgotten in Cecil County.

In a clip described as the “aftermath of two air crashes in United States of America” British Pathe, a provider of newsreels for theatres, filmed the accident scene outside of Port Deposit in some silent footage. Just before the local incident, another DC-4 crashed at La Guardia Airfield in New York, and that coverage opened the segment.  The Cecil County film starts at about 53 seconds into the piece.

While the Society and some private collectors have a number of still photos of the accident, this is the first time we have seen any movie film from an incident that took place in a thick woods outside of Port Deposit nearly 70 years ago.

In a drive to make its archives more accessible to viewers, British Pathe recently released its digital archives of 85,000 films, making them available for free online streaming. These historic newsreel films contain vintage news and feature reports. In this virtual collection, you will find footage of major events around the world and regional news, including the Port Deposit Plane Crash.

For more on the Port Deposit Plane Crash, see this article on Flight 605

Port Deposit Plane Crash
Theatre newsreel footage covering crash of the Port Deposit Plane Crash, Eastern Airlines Flight 605, outside of Port Deposit in 1947. Source: British Pathe.

The Elkton Banking and Trust Company

North Street was the financial center of Elkton.  On the street were a number of banks and on a Friday night the area hummed with activity.  People headed  downtown to deposit their paycheck and get some cash for weekly shopping in the business district.

The Elkton Banking and Trust Company was one of those institutions and between the two World Wars a number of cars are parked in front of the Trust Company.

Elkton Banking and Trust Company.  Source:  private collection.
Elkton Banking and Trust Company. Source: private collection.

Doodling in the Elkton Police Blotter as Nation Turns 200-Years-Old

In the spirt of 1776, Happy Birthday America from the Elkton POlice Blotter on July 4, 1976

Lots of people remember the day America turned 200 years old,   July 4, 1976. There were all sorts of special parades, concerts, fireworks, and programs in communities across the nation. It was a big deal in Cecil, too, with plenty of Bicentennial celebrations on the long holiday weekend for the once-in-a-lifetime occurrence.

Working that July 4th, Elkton Police Officers carefully chronicled the passing of Independence Day in the department’s official blotter.  Officers Strickland, Smith, Blake, Pease, and George kept a careful watch on the county seat, during a 24-hour tour, coming and going off 8-hour shifts as people enjoyed the festivities.

Considering how big the celebrations and parties were, it was a remarkably quiet holiday in Elkton.   There were a few fireworks calls and a couple of burglar alarms, but only one or two cases of disorder to mar the festive occasion.

Given the slow day, someone had time to do a little doodling on this public record, the Elkton Police Blotter. The pages, all except this one, lacked color and sketches. But an officer, getting into the spirit of ’76, wrote “Happy Birthday America,” and decorated the page with colorful artwork and lettering.

So just as our little colonial doodler in an early age, sketched on a Cecil County tax schedule, someone did the same in 1976 on this public record.

Elkton police blotter, July 4, 1976, doodling
The Elkton Police Blotter, July 4, 1976

A few decades ago these volumes were added to the collection of the Historical Society of Cecil County and are available there.

Doodling While Maintaining Cecil County’s Colonial Tax Records

Although tax season is over for most Americans now that we are a couple of days past April 15th, it doesn’t mean that records generated for annual levies long ago aren’t of interest. In fact, one of the Historical Society of Cecil County research volunteers, Jo Ann Gardner, has been pouring over volumes of those financial transactions, carefully checking the rolls for personal property inventories, tax liabilities, addresses, and the names of people living here in earlier centuries.

Historical Society volunteer examines colonial tax records.
Jo Ann Gardner a volunteer at Cecil County’s History and Genealogy Library pouring over colonial-era tax records, pauses on the colonial doodler’s page.

Gardner isn’t an auditor with the Internal Revenue Service pouring over what might appear to be mundane pages. She is a library volunteer, helping a patron from Colorado who is trying to identify some long-ago, elusive ancestors in the public records.

Although those citizens from the past may not have been thrilled to pay the county levy, someone looking for evidence for putting together a family tree can be delighted to find ancestors listed in those aging, financial schedules written in a flowing script. While there are many ways to go about family history research, these often neglected vital governmental documents, have great value for historical and genealogical information. Gardner has been at it for some time going page by page through the volumes as the colonial, early federal, and 19th-century tax records at the Society are extensive.

The other day while pouring over those yellowing pages, with an auditor’s eye for detail, she tripped across a surprising item penned in the detailed, dry listings of figures, inventories, assessments, and levies. The county clerk (or someone) did a little fancy doodling, drawing a well-dressed man and also the face of another person. Perhaps it was just a little absent-minded sketching as the clerk sat silently listening to the commissioners review the assessments and make adjustments while waiting for them to complete their deliberations so he could permanently record the details in the county’s public record.

Doodling on a colonial cecil county levy list
Some doodles at the end of certification of an early Cecil County levy.

Gardner has named her colonial sketch artist, “Yankee Doodles Dandy,” and in those lists, tabulations, and levies, sources that have great potential for the genealogist probing for that elusive ancestor, “Yankee Doodles Dandy,” stands out. And the over 200-year-old random drawing has been getting lots of attention, as it adds a little color to the public record.

Nearly forty years ago, the County Commissioners determined that our local heritage keepers should also serve as the county archives for records that no longer have day-to-day relevance, but have historical value.

Whatever the case, we have had many doodlers in our nation’s history, as great leaders and others have been known to draw on the margins of a sheet during meetings.  So the county clerk from the colonial era was in good company as he performed that most essential function, official recording the business of Cecil County while also taking care of filings, pleadings, dockets, and legal instruments.

Cecil County volunteers examine colonial tax record
Jo Ann Gardner and Tom Petito examine a page of tax records.
For more on doodling in public records

Doodling in the Elkton Police Blotter as the Nation Turns 200-Years-Old

Remembering the Work of Cecil County’s Public Safety Communicators During National Public Safety Telecommunications Week

This is National Public Safety Telecommunications Week (April 13-19, 2014), a time when the United States honors the professionals who answer 911 calls and dispatch emergency responders. While the nation thanks public safety communicators, Window on Cecil County’s Past pauses to tip our hat to the County’s 911 calls-takers, dispatchers, and technicians who maintain our emergency communication system.

fire headquarters ems ambulance 796b
Rosemary Culley dispatching from the county courthouse in the 1970s

These men and women are on the front line of every urgent situation in Cecil, dealing with life and death situations 24 hours-a-day, 7 days a week. They answer thousands of calls each year, coordinating the response of police officers, paramedics, fire fighters, hazmat technicians, medevac helicopters, and much more to incidents, while also providing guidance and instruction to citizens until first responders arrive. Their service is greatly appreciated.

At the same time, we pause to remember the four professionals who were the pioneer emergency communicators in Cecil. On Monday, October 2, 1961 at 12 p.m. sirens all across the county sounded, marking the beginning of professional, centralized communications as “fire headquarters” was on the air.

The Whig explained the operation. “It will be manned around the clock with trained personnel who have a knowledge of every piece of emergency equipment in the county, where it is located, what it can be used for, and the method for dispatching it without loss of time.”

Four fulltime county employees staffed the 24/7 operation. The one dispatcher alone on the shift juggled the telephone calls, handled radio traffic, and kept the FCC log. The “chief operator” Jack Cooke, was assisted by “operators” Rosemary Culley, Marie Cooling, and Jim Penhollow. Robert Eversole served as a relief operator.

Jim Penhollow recently recalled that it was a couple of days before the first emergency call came in. The times sure have changed and public safety communications has grown more complicated with each passing year. The week is sponsored by the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO).

We salute our public safety communications professionals, current and past.

Rosemary Culley, another original dispatcher, handles the fire board in 1966.  Source: Cecil Whig, Dec. 14, 1966
Rosemary Culley, another original dispatcher, handles the fire board in 1966. Source: Cecil Whig, Dec. 14, 1966


Marie Cooling, a fire dispatcher, takes a call.  Source:  Cecil Democrat, Aug. 30, 1967/
Marie Cooling, a fire dispatcher, takes a call. Source: Cecil Democrat, Aug. 30, 1967/


Springtime at Rev. Duke’s Log House

Liz McLaughlin operates the tiller.

Rev. Duke Log House
LIz McLaughlin and Russ Hamilton start the tiller.

Spring has finally arrived on the Upper Chesapeake and at old Rev. Duke’s Log House things were busy on this sunny Thursday afternoon as the temperature approached the mid-60s.  It was a perfect, early April afternoon as Arts Council volunteers tilled the soil on the front lawn for a community garden.

Conowingo State Police Patrolled Northeastern Maryland

maryland state police barrack conowingo
The Maryland State Police Post at Conowingo in 1929. Source: private collection.
The Susquehanna Power Company built a police substation at Conowingo for the Maryland State Police in 1929, leasing the land to the agency for a dollar a year. When it opened in April of that year, a staff of two sergeants, a corporal, and four officers were assigned to the post.
It was a modern post with a police office, a completely electrified kitchen, a cell room with two cells, an open fireplace, and sleeping quarters for twelve men. In addition to the motorcycle patrol, one horse was detailed to the post.
The detachment consisted of First Sergeant Atkinson, Sergeant Katz, Corporal Dyas, and Officers Weber, Klapproth, Phillips, and Holland. Centrally located, the trooper handled the increasing traffic on Route 1 and they policed Harford County north of Deer Creek, as well as Cecil and Kent counties.
“Because of its location on one of the most traveled highways of the State and because of its vicinity to the Maryland-Pennsylvania State Line, a force of this size was necessary, the commissioner of the State Police told the Midland Journal.
Traffic was heavy, as the commissioner predicted. When the crossing over the Dam opened in November 1927, a great number of motorists passed in continuous lines, the Harford Democrat reported. “A Harford motorist stated that it took him a solid hour to drive from the beginning of the new road near Darlington across the bridge, turn at the top of the first hill in Cecil County and return to the starting place.
In an era when ambulances weren’t commonly available, the Maryland State Police responded to the need for medical transport and quick response to automobile accidents. The agency acquired five ambulances in 1935, and one of those units was assigned to substation F at Conowingo.
maryland state police ambulance
Over the years, additional barracks were constructed to meet the growing demands for police service and operations at Conowingo were scaled back. At some point in the early 1970s or late 1960s, it was scaled down from a 24-hour-a-day to an 8-hour operation.
On September 1, 1973, the old station passed into history as it was deactivated. It was the oldest installation at that point, having served the public for 43 years, but barracks in North East, Bel Air, and Centreville provided greater coverage to northeastern Maryland.

For additional albums, see this Conowing Post photo album on Facebook.

Video From This Afternoon’s Bootlegger’s Ball

To drink or not to drink was the question at this month’s program at the Historical Society of Cecil County as the organization examined the days of temperance, prohibition, speakeasies, bootleggers and Bathtub gin. Afterwards everyone was invited to a secret rendezvous at the Bootlegger’s Ball, over at the North Street Hotel. There the guests toasted the repeal of prohibition and socialized after the talk. To help the “drys,” those temperance and teetotaler types, catch the spirit there was temperance run, a nonalcoholic beverage that even the saloon smasher, Carrie Nation, would approve of. So it was bottoms up for everyone as we remembered the “noble experiment.”

Here’s a brief YouTube video of scenes from the Bootlegger’s Ball.

Duck & Cover at the Perryville LIbrary – April 8th — Cecil County prepared for Armageddon

From the Cecil County Public Library
Date: 4/8/2014
Start Time: 7:00 PM

 Local historian Mike Dixon recounts national and local Civil Defense activities, from World War II to the nuclear age, when government officials planned for the worst. Registration required.

Library: Perryville Branch
Location: Meeting Room

to register click here.

Duck and Cover at the Perryville Library, April 8th.
Duck and Cover at the Perryville Library, April 8th.