Sheriff Mogle Outlines the Minimum Needs for Cecil County Law Enforcement in 1967

The Cecil Democrat published a series in 1967, interviewing local officials about moving Cecil County forward in the last third of the 20th century.  In  the nearly 50-year-old chat with Sheriff Thomas H. Mogle, Jr. he sketched out the minimum needs for effective law enforcement in the county.

The Sheriff’s Department required a minimum of 55 personnel to handle all its functions, including answering complaints, patrolling, serving papers, providing court security, and maintaining the jail, the county’s top lawman noted. That force included 27 road officers, with one assigned to each of the nine election districts, around-the-clock, as a patrol beat.  “They would answer complaints and could do a great deal to prevent crime.”

Eight men should staff the 100-year old jail so two deputies would be on duty.  “There are just not enough people in this office.  When four phones ring and the office is full of prisoners being brought in, one man behind the desk can’t handle it all.  We need a turnkey and someone on the radio and telephone.”

Judiciary related duties for the Circuit Court and the magistrates required eight men to handle courts and serve papers.  There was also a need for two secretaries and a part-time matron.

One of his problems was hiring and keeping qualified personnel.  A deputy in 1967 made $1.50 an hour ($4,000 a year) while a clerk for a magistrate received $2.00 an hour.  The Sheriff estimated annual starting pay should be between $6,000 and $7,000.

The reporter estimated a budget of $279,000 for annual staff and when asked if this wasn’t rather high, the former state trooper said, “it isn’t cheap but nothing worthwhile is going to be free.”  He also noted that there were other costs, as there should be county owned cars and 13 were required.  (The agency fought a long battle to get patrol cars and those vehicles were still a year away.)

Harford County had county owned patrol cars and 24 men in their Sheriffs’ Dept., he noted.  They have “police running out of their ears; they have police departments in Bel Air, Aberdeen, and Havre de Grace, they have the state police, and they still hire 24 men for a county-wide police force.”

“Of course the county would be getting a lot better service in return for the expenditures.  With a force similar to the one outlined we could almost wipe out crime in this county,” the sheriff suggested. When asked what he felt his chances of getting some of the men and equipment were, especially in light of the new economy moves the commissioners were making, he said:  “Neither I nor the next six Sheriffs in this county will ever see this.”

He concluded that he wouldn’t run again unless drastic changes were made for the “betterment of the people and the police force.  I thought I could help the county.  I didn’t realize what the situation was in this office, I couldn’t. . . . No individual or political group or organization will dictate to the Sheriff’s Department while I’m in office.  There’s too much politics entering into these things.  That’s why there’s friction.  I’m no politician.”

Noting the situation he inherited, he said, “There was nothing here when I came, not even a flag.  I’ve ordered a flag and pole now.  It will cost $55 and if the county refuses to pay for it I will.”

In the next paper, Samuel duPont wrote in to support the “overworked sheriff and his underpaid, overworked men” as he noted that “the sheriff has had five men to work with (Aug. 1967).  Imagine, just five men to cover the entire county, with its hundreds of roads and hundreds of square miles!  this doesn’t mean five men per shift, but five men althogher.  Now, start figuring three shifts a day (You want around-the-clock police protection don’t you ?).  There are “two few men, too much work — and then we have the gall to criticize our sheriff and his deputies!”  We don’t even provide our men with official cars, as most other counties do.  We’ll soon be “expecting them to shake tambourines on street corners for contributions, like the Salvation Army folks.  We have refused the sheriff sufficient manpower.”

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Sheriff Thomas H. Mogle, Jr. operates the radio at the old jail on North St.

Cecil County’s First Aerial Unit Arrived in Elkton in 1892

Following a couple of serious fires on Main Street in 1891 that forced Elkton to telegraph the Wilmington Fire Department for aid townspeople decided to establish an efficient firefighting organization.  In the waning months of that year, plans were quickly put in place for the William M. Singerly Fire Company and in January 1892 the organization was formally incorporated.  To put things on a sound footing, the members started raising funds to purchase equipment to replace those aging veterans of fights with many blazes, the aging old hand pumpers.  Before January 1892 faded the company had a steam engine, two hose reels, and a hook-and-ladder.

The ladder was the first piece of that kind in Cecil County.  Upon deciding to purchase this piece, the company went to Middletown and Dover to inspect units used in those Delaware towns.  That examination resulted in the company ordering a truck from Gleason & Bailey of Seneca Falls., NY.  It arrived in Elkton on Monday, January 18, 1892.

At an early hour on a Saturday morning twelve days later, the truck answered its first alarm.  Residents were awakened by the ringing of the courthouse bell and the cry of fire as the destructive flames were consuming a frame buildings on the south side of Main Street.  The volunteers grabbed the ladder unit and the old hand pumpers and rushed to the scene a few doors east of the courthouse.  The steam engine wasn’t in service yet.

After that the hook-and-ladder was on the scene of most blazes in Elkton but by the end of 1914 it had answered its last alarm.  On New Year’s Eve 1914, it was resting securely in the closed up paint shop of M. S. Barrett & Son on Bridge Street, waiting for a fresh coat of paint.  As people looked forward to the start of another year, shouts of fire went up.  A blaze had erupted in the paint shop and by the time Singerly arrived the building was blazing fiercely.  The entire building and its content were lost on the last day of 1914.s

Also See — Cecil County’s First Modern Aerial Arrived in 1966

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Singerly’s ladder truck during a parade in 1902
The Gleason & Bailey ladder truck at the Volunteer Hose Company of Middletown DE
The ladder truck at the Volunteer Hose Company of Middletown DE

Cecil County Monument Honors Law Enforcement Officers Killed in the Line of Duty

Today the nation honors fallen law enforcement officers during an annual Candlelight vigil in Washington, D.C.  While people across the country remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice I paused briefly at our Cecil County Monument on this cool Monday in mid-spring.  It was dedicated a few decades ago to honor county peace officers who made the ultimate sacrifice and there are six names on the monument.  The memorial is located at the Cecil County Detention Center on Landing Lane in Elkton.

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The Cecil County law enforcement memorial at the Cecil County Detention Center.

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Elkton Police Are Doing a Fine Job But Could Use Some Equipment

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Chief Reynolds taking a call on the police phone. In the era before radio communications arrived for the Elkton Police, the officers were called to the phone by a flashing light mounted on a pole at the corner of North and Main streets.

In 1962 President Kennedy proclaimed May 15th as National Peace Officers Memorial Day and the calendar week in which it falls as National Police Week.  While remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice, it is also a time to show appreciation for what law enforcement professional do to keep communities safe. 

With the dedication of these men and women in mind we noticed a Cecil Democrat piece from over sixty years ago noting the splendid job the officers, with their limited resources, were doing in Elkton in 1950.  Historically speaking the local political leadership was always slow to allocate funding to improve police service.  It took years of lobbying to get the county commissioners to final fund patrol cars for the Sheriff’s Office, that step into the 20th century not taking place until 1968.


EDITORIAL – Cecil Democrat, June 22, 1950

The Police Department of Elkton has done and is doing such a splendid job of law enforcement that we are apt to overlook their efficient service.

With a five man squad, four regular members and one extra man, these duties are performed; however there is some additional equipment needed so that these men can function properly.  One of the things that would be of great help would be two additional signal lights such as the one placed at the intersection of North and Main streets, this is not a traffic light., it is a light that will flash when a patrolman is wanted at the police station.  Chief of Police W. H. White has told this writer of the need for at least three more such lights, one in Elkton Heights, the others are in the farther’ ends of West and East Main Street.

Then the lack of fingerprinting facilities, if the police wish to finger print a suspect it is necessary for them to take that person to the State Police Barrack at Conowingo.  Surely finger printing equipment isn’t so expensive that we cannot supply our law enforcement agencies with the things necessary to do their job.

The members of the police force in Elkton, in addition to Chief White are Bobby Holmes, John Huminski, Harry Minker and the extra, William Pinder.  As we stated at the beginning of this little effort to express our appreciation of these men’s effort, they are quiet efficient in every way; let us do our part and give these men the tools need to carry out their jobs of protecting the life and property of the citizens of the town.

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Officer Hines investigates a broken window at the Junior High School in 1963.

A Substantial 19th Century Brick Building Anchors a Corner in Downtown Elkton

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One of the first occupants, the Masonic Lodge, is still there.

The old commercial district in Elkton has a number of architecturally interesting cultural resources, and one of those survivors of the passage of centuries is the Gilpin building.  This substantial three-story brick vernacular building was the subject of a recent inquiry as we were asked to investigate the historical record for this parcel. Here is some of what we developed.

By the middle of the 19th century, commercial expansion was spreading up North Street toward the railroad tracks. Due to the demand for additional business space, John Gilpin decided to erect the structure that still stands today at the southwest corner of North and High streets.  He had just received an appointment as postmaster and was preparing a permanent facility for the delivery, sorting and distribution of mail, as over the past 50 years the office had been in eleven locations.

Ground was broken in September 1887 and the work moved speedily along.  When it was completed early in 1888, it contained the postal facility and two lawyer’s offices on the first floor.  The Masonic Lodge, rented the entire third floor, and held its first meeting there in March of 1888.  Newspapers, at that time, reported that the 2nd floor was still available.

Soon the building also had a barber shop and that service continued throughout most of the building’s history.  In 1918 the county extension agent was located there.  Today, the Masonic Lodge still maintains its headquarters at this corner and other areas are used by a bank.

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Spring Time at the Lower Susquehanna Ferry & Rodgers Tavern

The Rodgers Tavern presents an attractive appearance in early May.  This old place, standing on the east bank of the Susquehanna River, has welcomed travelers for centuries.

When it was first built-in the mid-18th century, the two-story stone building welcomed passersby as a ferry house and tavern.  For those crossing the river, it provided a place to lodge and partake of food and drink.  It continued operating as a tavern on the Post Road into the 19th century, but as bridges and railroads replaced ferries and carriages, the once popular Lower Susquehanna Ferry lost its importance.

In the second half of the 20th century, the Society for the Preservation of Maryland Antiquities stepped forward to save and preserve the relic, a survivor from the colonial era.  Today it is owned by the Town of Perryville, but the attractive structure still draws the attention of the passersby.  However, it is still in the spotlight, but not it is as a valuable cultural heritage resource, reflecting earlier times.

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Lower Susquehanna Ferry on the Old Post Road in Perryville.
It's spring again at Rodgers Tavern.
It’s spring again at Rodgers Tavern.
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An early spring evening at the Lower Susquehanna Ferry.

Footsteps in History — War of 1812 Walking Tour This Sunday in Charlestown

charlestown 088This weekend marks the passage of 200 years since the enemy occupied the water and shoreline of the Upper Chesapeake.  To recall those frightening days in Cecil County, a “footsteps in history” living history walking tour takes places in Charlestown this Sunday May 5th at 4:30 and 6:30 p.m.  On the dramatic one-hour strolls into the past, you will meet people who lived, labored, and defended Cecil County during the War of 1812.

Since we had five rivers, our communities were exposed to the marauding British Navy and Marines and spots where combat took place were generally plundered and put to the match.  Seldom told tales will emerge out of these alarming times as the Heritage Troupe performs scenes, presenting old-timers who were around centuries ago.  With the group ambling along attractive colonial era streets on a spring evening, you will hear thrilling firsthand accounts about struggles and triumphs, the brave defense of our homes, war heroes, and accounts of everyday people, days when we were on the frontline of the war.

This special bicentennial event, “Footsteps from the Past” walking tour, opened last year to a sold out crowd.   So be sure to call for your advance tickets for this popular activity that will find history enthusiasts ambling through the streets of Charlestown, along attractive pathways of the well-preserved historic district.

The event in Colonial Charlestown steps off at 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. on May 5, 2013.  But after last year’s production attracted over 125 people, event organizers have scaled things back a little in order to provide better viewing and listening for the audience.  Each walk is limited to 50 strollers and the cost is $10 in advance through the Wellwood Club or $12 at the door.  To reserve your tickets call 410-287-6666.  The proceeds benefit the Historical Society and Colonial Charlestown.  Generous support of these local nonprofit heritage groups is provided by the Wellwood Club, the President and Commissioners of Charlestown, Cecil County Tourism, and the Heritage Troupe.

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The town commissioners are in session in one of the performances. Here Wanda Owens (standing) confronts Ron Edwards, Dr. Robert Gell and Ken Consalone.
The Heritage Troupe was in Charlestown fine tuning their performance for the weekend audience.  Here Chan Cosans practices one of the parts.
The Heritage Troupe was in Charlestown fine tuning their performance for the weekend audience. Here Chan Cosans practices one of the parts.

In An Old Fire Service Tradition, Singerly Dedicates New Station with Housing Ceremony

The William M. Singerly Fire Company of Elkton formally dedicated its recently renovated and expanded Newark Avenue station today.  In celebration of the completion of this important public safety enhancement, a parade of over 80 units made its way through downtown around 1:00 p.m.   An hour or so later, a packed house of emergency responders, well-wishers, and public officials assembled at Station 13 for remarks, the playing of the bagpipes, and the unveiling of the station plaque.  The ceremony wrapped up, with an old, time-honored, fire service tradition.  Members stood in front of the engines and ambulances parked on the outside ramp and gave them a shove, pushing the units into the apparatus bays.  The new structure updates the central station, which opened in 1971.  The headquarters station provides a new apparatus wing, along with significant renovations to existing areas.

The apparatus, new and old, waits for the housing ceremony.
The apparatus, new and old, waits for the housing ceremony.
Chief Fred Hill, Jr., and former Chief Gary Hill pause during the ceremony in front of one of the engines.
Chief Fred Hill, Jr., and former Chief Gary Hill pause during the ceremony in front of one of the engines.
Fire Department personnel give the apparatus a shove, pushing the equipment into the new fire station.
Fire Department personnel give the apparatus a shove, pushing the equipment into the new fire station.

All is Quiet at Retired Fire Station

At Singerly’s first station near the corner of North & Main streets everything was very quiet one night this week as a full moon began its ascent in the nighttime sky.  In the late 1940s the company had outgrown its first home.  So in 1950 the members rolled up the hose, cranked up the trucks, and moved up the street one block to a greatly expanded headquarters.

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