President of Sears Helps Build Modern School for African-American Students in Elkton in 1920s

This is the school about 1950, just a few years before the modern George Washington Carver school opened.

On Booth Street in Elkton there’s a small nondescript masonry block building adjacent to the George Washington Carver Leadership Center.  A few days ago that structure, which presently houses the school system’s maintenance office, was the subject of an investigation by historian Susan Pearl who is working for the Maryland Historical Trust. 

Susan is out tracking down Rosenwald Schools across Maryland.   In the era before Brown versus Board of Education, African-Americans schools in the south were generally inferior.  Thus the president of Sears, Julius Rosenwald, wanted to make a difference in education for young people in needy segregated communities so he established a foundation that encouraged the building of up-to-date schools in the south between 1917 and 1932.  

Working with the Fund’s archives at Fisk University Susan determined that the Foundation built one in Cecil County.  It was in Elkton and according to the University records the school constructed in 1926 was a five-teacher building that cost $7,600 and the Rosenwald Fund contributed $1,300 toward the project. 

While Susan was in Elkton, she searched historical society files, examined board of education records, checked maps, and studied school board financial records for the period.  The data shows that there was a much earlier frame structure on this parcel by about 1892.  In the 1920s and the 1930s, there were additions to the building, which served as the African-American School in Elkton until the current administration building opened as a modern school for students.   I’ve talked with a number of people who recall attending classes in the older building, which eventually became the maintenance shop once the county integrated the school system. 

African American School at Booth & Bethel Street in Elkton.
The 1922 Sanborn Map shows the community’s school before Julius Rosenwald provided seed money to imrpove education for African-Americans in Elkton.

There’s still some work to do on this investigation and we’ll look forward to seeing Susan’s final report cataloging these schools throughout Maryland.  In her investigation here she found records clearly documenting the $1,300 contribution to Cecil County’s African-American School children.

More on Schools for African Americans in Cecil County

An Old Schoolhouse in Warwick

Undergraduate Thesis Examines Desegregation in Cecil County

Cedar Hill — A Surviving One Room Schoolhouse

Mt. Zoar Colored School

A Quiet Old Schoolhouse — Mt. Zoar

A History of Shopping Through the Sears Catalog – A Library Program, March 17

 John Damond of the Enoch Pratt Free Library will present a program called “A History of Shopping through the Sears Catalog at the Cecil County Public Library, Elkton branch on March 17, 2010, at 7 p.m.  Take a trip down memory lane and see the fashions and prices through the years using pictures from old department store catalogs during this free program.  Starting with the 1930s and ending in the present day, you will see how clothes, furniture, appliances, toys, and more changed decade by decade.  You will also see how the value of the dollar changed.   

Hiding the Bank’s Money During the British Raid on Elk River During War of 1812

Copied from the Upper Shoreman, June, 1972 (this informative regional magazine, focusing on local history, art, & culture was published in the 1950s, ’60s, and early ’70s)


Just before the burning of Frenchtown during the War of 1812, the citizens of Elkton and the surrounding country were frightened by a false alarm. Somehow the story got in circulation that the British had taken Frenchtown and the people as far north as the State of Pennsylvania were very much excited and alarm. Companies of militia from Pennsylvania rushed to Elkton. James Buchanan, then a young man, was an officer in one of those companies which was quartered in a house that stood in the eastern part of the new cemetery.

The directors of the Elkton Bank thought it best, in view of the raid, to remove the specie from the bank to a place of safety and so they ostensibly loaded a wagon with it and put the wagon, which was drawn by six or eight horses, in charge of a military escort composed of a number of soldiers, mounted and on foot, and made believe they were transporting the specie to Lancaster. This process made quite an excitement in the country through which it passed, but was only a ruse on the part of the officers of the bank, designed to mislead the British and divert them from the real place of concealment. Sometime before the wagon and its escort went from Elkton to Lancaster, Levi Tyson, a director of the bank and the owner of a grist mill on the Big Elk quietly when down to Elkton one evening with his team and two men and bought the specie home with him that night and placed the chest which contained it under his bed, where it remained until the danger was over. The men were told that the chest contained bullets to be used if the British made a raid on Mr. Tyson’s mill.

Mr. Tyson often related the story of this removal with much satisfaction and thought it a good joke. The ostensible removal of specie to Lancaster was probably made with the view of adding to the reputation of the bank by making the impression upon the minds of the community of its sound financial condition and ability to redeem its notes, many of which were in circulation. And probably the cream of the joke was to be found in the fact that the creditors of the bank were quite as much fooled as the British would have been had they attempted to pillage the bank.

Cecil County’s Bridges to the Past, Our Covered Bridges

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As a result of the restoration work on the Gilpin’s Falls Covered Bridge,  some interesting tweets and posts from master craftsmen doing the work, and research done by the Maryland Covered Bridges website, we’ve been working with the materials related to our bridges to the past, those old covered spans.  Fortunately, through the perserverance of one citizen, Earl Simmers, that old bridge to the past on Route 272 was saved for at times it appeared to be doomed.  Whatever the case, it’s now restored so we’ve put together a little slide show containing some of the photos of these structures, most of which have long vanished.

Note Scroll Through the Recent Posts to see some more items on the History of Gilpin’s Falls Covered Bridge.

Cecil County’s Bridge to the Past: Ready for a Run Through the 21st Century

As work draws to a close on an important Cecil County restoration project, Gilpin Falls Covered Bridge, the Maryland Covered Bridges web site has posted an update on the undertaking and a photo gallery.  As of Jan 18, 2010, the final stage for the completion of the rehabilitation of the structure was underway. In addition, the Bridgewright putting the shine back on this precious resource tweeted on Jan. 27, 2010, that the master craftsmen from NH were “handing over the reins for the project and peeling off for home.”  Click here to see some of the photos and news updates.

As links to our past disappear all too fast in the 21st century in Cecil, the old structure that survived the test of the time, the Civil War, the automobile age, floods, and lack of care is prepared for a run through the 21st century.  Since the county invests heavily in marketing Cecil to tourists, relocating BRAC workers and higher end corporations, it is our natural beauty, historical character and cultural resources that these targets groups find most appealing.  The old bridge at Gilpin Falls, a surviving relic from before the Civil War, physically enhances the county’s investment in marketing personnel and promotional advertising materials, as it stands as silent proof of the area’s history.  We’re pleased to see that the structure the Cecil Whig once identified as our own little bridge to no where nearing completion.

Gilpin Falls Covered Bridge about 1900, courtesy of the Maryland Covered Bridge Website

Remembering Martin Luther King Jr. at Wrights AME Church With Rev. Brian Thomas

Here’s an Animoto Slide Show containing some photos from the fine program of remembrance and an article below the show describes the service.

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Wright’s AME Church, Elkton – Jan 18, 2010 – This morning Wright’s African Methodist Episcopal Church held its 20th annual prayer service celebrating the work of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.  The sanctuary of the historic Elkton church filled to capacity before the praying, preaching and singing started.

Right on time, Elkton Commissioner Charles Givens called the assembly to order as the choir remembered the civil rights leader with inspiring songs.  Once the first round of music faded inside the house of worship, the Rev. Brian Thomas stepped forward on the pulpit to deliver some stirring preaching that reflected on Dr. King’s work and the challenges ahead.

The powerful sermon, one we’ll long remember, drew on Marvin Gaye’s song “What’s Going on” to present a relevant message of equality, justice, and nonviolence for our time.  Peppered with frequent references to current social issues, the lively oration engaged the audience, filling the old place of worship with energy.

The historical words of the Rev. Thomas and how they connected with the popular piece from 1971 to present a message for today was on our mind throughout the day.  In conversations around the county, we often chatted with people about the Reverend’s moving words on this special day of remembrance.

Joseph George Johnson Built Covered Bridge That Stood Test of Time

Builder of the Gilpin Falls Covered Bridge, Joseph G. Johnson

Cecil County got its money’s worth out of the bridge crossing the North East Creek, about a mile north of Bay View.  Built at the top of the 1860s to give farmers and residents of that area access to North East, the old covered bridge has stood the test of time, struggling against floods, centuries of aging, and a lack of concern about the preservation of the past.

Since the area was growing as the nation edged toward the Civil War, a span across the waterway was important to improve travel and commerce in the area.  So the commissioners advertised for a contractor to build one across the creek. After the work was completed the public treasury handed over $2,000. That valued Cecil County relic, spanning time and the stream, still survives in the 21st century.

The master bridge builder who undertook the project was Joseph George Johnson. A widely known contractor, he was born in Cecil County in 1830. During his lifetime he built Elkton’s first water works and a number of stations for the Western Maryland Railroad. In 1860, when the county commissioners advertised to build a covered bridge at Gilpin Falls, he won the contract.  In the later years of his life, he went to Baltimore where he managed the Walbrook Coal and Supply Company.

The county awarded at least three additional contracts to Johnson.  In June 1860, he was hired to build the Reynolds Bridge in the northeastern part of the county at a cost of $450.  in 1865 the contract for building the bridge at Mitchell’s Mill in Elkton was awarded for $3,460; and finally in August 1867 he built a bridge over Principio Creek at Whitaker’s Furnace for $2,950.

Although he died at his home in Baltimore in September 1900, the work of this master bridge builder, having stood the test of time, still stands as one of the few remaining covered bridges in Maryland, a state that once had many of them spanning streams and rivers.

Stony Run Covered Bridge, one of many in the area during the early 1900s.

23rd Paper Americana Shows Returns to Elkton on Jan 30.

Thousands of old postcards and photos will be offered by dealers.


 The popular Paper Americana show returns to Singerly Fire Company on January 30.  For the 23rd year, the show will bring over thirty dealers from several states to Elkton to offer for sale antique books, postcards, newspapers, art prints, advertising & regional collectibles, photographs, and general ephemera. Singerly Fire Hall is located at the intersection of Rt. 279 and Rt. 213. Admission is $3.00 per person ($2.00 if you bring a copy of this posting) – children under 12 years admitted free of charge. Hours are 10: a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Food provided by the Ladies Auxiliary.