Cecil County HIstory on Facebook passed a new milestone on January 2, 2019 — 7,000 likes on Facebook. The mission of this page is to inspire curiosity, enjoyment, and understanding of the county’s past. Cecil County History on Facebook recently passed a new milestone, 7,000 likes. As the social media channels notes, this milestone, we want to thank those who stop by to spend a little time there. The visits to that space
On Cecil County History you will find original and selectively
Finally, the platform also shares current photos of Cecil County’s Landscape, historic buildings, old waterways, and heritage organizations. Whatever the case, the county’s beautiful cultural landscape, and history are the focus.
Again, thank you for following the page, engaging in social conservations, and contributing materials that are able to be shared.
To those that generously share their content, the page also say thank you. It always credits original contributions as it acknowledges
Your interest makes the effort worthwhile.