The other day we fielded a call at the Historical Society asking us about information on some of the early mayors of Cecilton. Since those sorts of queries are routine for the Society’s researchers they got right to work digging through old newspapers and government documents to identify the first mayor of Cecilton.
The town was incorporated in 1864 and that May the first officials,  Dr. Samuel V. Mace, Wm. T. Weldon, John Morris., Wm. H. Pearce, and Edward Seamans, were elected for a one year term. The lead official was called the president, but records don’t indicate which of these gentleman received the appointment in that formative year.
The first photograph of a mayor that we’ve been able to locate was Raymond P. Fillingame. H.W. Cheney had led the commissioners in 1939. Next in line was President Fillingame, and our researchers located a Baltimore Sun photograph of the official.