Rising Sun, September 16, 2012 — In celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War [April 1861-April 1865], come experience a re-created Civil War battle just yards away from your eyes at the Town Park on Wilson Avenue in Rising Sun, MD. Whether you witness the thunder and might of the battle, hear the blast from artillery firing over the hillside, or engage your family in a living history experience, our hope is that this event leaves each person with a sense of the sacrifice given, the heroic efforts on both sides, at home and at war, and how the Civil War changed this country forever. So come one, come all and enjoy the sites and sounds of the American Civil War. This is an admission-free, family friendly event.
Meet Federal and Confederate soldiers and civilians. Hear the sounds of battle and smell the gunpowder on Saturday and Sunday. This is a unique opportunity to stroll among the soldier’s tents and see how they lived for four long years. You can do some shopping at the Sutlers (camp vendors) for some historic items. You can buy a hoop skirt and some lemonade and then sit back and watch the cannons fire back and forth and the soldiers battle. Fun and learning for the whole family!
Vintage Base Ball
Imagine . . .
. Being fined 25 cents by an umpire dressed in a top hat and tails
. Assuming the hurler position and being responsible for the striker at the plate
. Acting as behind, where you must prevent the opponent from scoring an ace
. Playing the role of clanker and cheering your team to victory
Vintage Base Ball (yes, it was two words originally) is the game we now know as Baseball played by the rules and customs of an earlier period. “Ballists” wear period uniforms and recreate the game as it was played in the late 1800’s. Come watch the Rising Sun Base Ball Club wearing knickers and stockings, play at our own Rising Sun Town Ball Park. Civil War Reenactors will appear at the game. This year we will again have a period ball game to enjoy on Sunday!
For more information contact: Rising Sun Town Hall at 410-658-5353