Historical Society Provides Online Finding Aid For McCauley Diaries

News From the Historical Society of Cecil County

In the late 1980s, the Judge McCauley diaries were donated to the Society. The 46 volumes, covering day-to-day activities in Cecil from 1851 to 1897, span an important period in the county’s history. On those pages, you will find Judge McCauley’s notes about the passage of life, his work as a surveyor, and some major events in the nation.

As part of a pilot project to explore making Society resources and collections available to wider audiences, our volunteers are working on creating finding aids and digitizing some collections.  In this new online resource, patrons will find an index of the McCauley diaries and abstracts.  If you see something of interest in the Judge’s notes from centuries ago, visit the Solciety’s research library, and they will be pleased to retrieve these manuscripts to help you with your family or local history investigation.

Click here to go to the finding aid

McCauley diary 1862
The inside cover of the McCauley Diary for 1862 by James McCauley (Source: Historical Society of Cecil County

5 Replies to “Historical Society Provides Online Finding Aid For McCauley Diaries”

    1. Rick, they aren’t online. The Historical Society has published a finding aid on their website http://www.cecilhistory.org, but with a recent revision of the website that link is no longer working. However, They are available to read by stopping by the Historical Society. They’re a valuable reference and they’ll be pleased to have you stop by and read them.

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