Elkton Police Are Doing a Fine Job But Could Use Some Equipment

police elkton889 balto. sun jan 30 1938
Chief Reynolds taking a call on the police phone. In the era before radio communications arrived for the Elkton Police, the officers were called to the phone by a flashing light mounted on a pole at the corner of North and Main streets.

In 1962 President Kennedy proclaimed May 15th as National Peace Officers Memorial Day and the calendar week in which it falls as National Police Week.  While remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice, it is also a time to show appreciation for what law enforcement professional do to keep communities safe. 

With the dedication of these men and women in mind we noticed a Cecil Democrat piece from over sixty years ago noting the splendid job the officers, with their limited resources, were doing in Elkton in 1950.  Historically speaking the local political leadership was always slow to allocate funding to improve police service.  It took years of lobbying to get the county commissioners to final fund patrol cars for the Sheriff’s Office, that step into the 20th century not taking place until 1968.


EDITORIAL – Cecil Democrat, June 22, 1950

The Police Department of Elkton has done and is doing such a splendid job of law enforcement that we are apt to overlook their efficient service.

With a five man squad, four regular members and one extra man, these duties are performed; however there is some additional equipment needed so that these men can function properly.  One of the things that would be of great help would be two additional signal lights such as the one placed at the intersection of North and Main streets, this is not a traffic light., it is a light that will flash when a patrolman is wanted at the police station.  Chief of Police W. H. White has told this writer of the need for at least three more such lights, one in Elkton Heights, the others are in the farther’ ends of West and East Main Street.

Then the lack of fingerprinting facilities, if the police wish to finger print a suspect it is necessary for them to take that person to the State Police Barrack at Conowingo.  Surely finger printing equipment isn’t so expensive that we cannot supply our law enforcement agencies with the things necessary to do their job.

The members of the police force in Elkton, in addition to Chief White are Bobby Holmes, John Huminski, Harry Minker and the extra, William Pinder.  As we stated at the beginning of this little effort to express our appreciation of these men’s effort, they are quiet efficient in every way; let us do our part and give these men the tools need to carry out their jobs of protecting the life and property of the citizens of the town.

police 042 james hines june 1963
Officer Hines investigates a broken window at the Junior High School in 1963.

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