Chautauqua, an event that takes place every summer, gives residents of Cecil County a chance to meet and talk with historical figures from the past about their experiences and accomplishments. This year’s theme “Beyond Boundaries” will bring Thurgood Marshall, Frederick Law Olmsted, Sr. and Sacagawea to the county, as we hear from people who broke barriers, crossed borders, and created a sense of place.
- Thurgood Marshall challenged racial barriers in education, housing, transportation, electoral politics and criminal justice.
- Sacagawea crossed both physical and cultural borders, as the only woman in the famous expedition led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark.
- Frederick Law Olmsted created a sense of place in America’s communities and parks through his strongly held belief in the importance of democracy.
Where: Perryville Outlet Center, Perryville, Maryland
Indoors at the Perryville Outlet Center
When/Who: Warm-up act begins at 4 p.m. with performance at 4:30 p.m.
Friday, July 9, “Thurgood Marshall”
Saturday, July 10, “Frederick Law Olmsted”
Sunday, July 11, “Sacagawea”
The Maryland Humanities Council brings this free, public event to communities around Maryland.