Galena Fire Company Launches Ambulance to Provide Quick Service in Cecilton and Galena Area.

If a heart attack or some other medical emergency occurred in Cecilton, Fredericktown, Warwick, Galena or other points along the Sassafras River, the victim had to wait a long time for an emergency medical transport.  So concerned citizens decided to rectify that problem, launching a drive to buy a modern ambulance for the Cecilton-Galena area.

The Galena Fire Company agreed to operate the service, and soon Carroll C. Short of Cecilton handed over to the keys to a modern new ambulance to Chief George M. Newcomb.  The fire company ambulance went in service on December 30, 1953.  Anyone needing prompt emergency medical transport could phone Galena 231, 203, or 368 and volunteers from the Kent County fire company would speed to the scene to provide aid and hasty transport to the hospital in Chestertown or Elkton.

Initially the ambulance was kept at the Sassafras Boat Company.  “Inasmuch as there has been no ambulance for a radius of some fifteen miles from Fredericktown and no doctor thereabouts” the vehicle filled a great need.

Galena Fire Company Ambulance, Cecil Democrat, January 14, 1954
Galena Fire Company Ambulance, Cecil Democrat, January 14, 1954