Graduating Classes of the Union Hospital Nursing School, 1914-1927
Fourteen classes graduated from the Union Hospital of Cecil County School of Nursing. Over a span of 17 years the hospital certified that 43 young women had demonstrated the required skills and competencies, and they thus received the professional diploma of a nurse.
Here is a list of the graduates as published in a book celebrating the hospital’s centennial, “Union Hospital: Celebrating the First 100 Years.”
1914 — Stella Graves, Alice Denver, Georgie Miller, Mary King
1915 — Ethel Porter, Marie Shilling
1916 — Rose Suter, Rebecca Tyson
1917 — Adelia McGready, Anna Broadwater, Alice Suter, Mary Beers
1918 — Grace McCormick, Jenna May Todd, Ella Alderson, Laura Storey
1919 — Mabel Larzelere, Ella Cochran
1920 — Helen Stewart, Elizabeth McDaniel, Ada Knight
1921 — Annetta Creus, Sara Whitlock
1922 — No Class
1923 — Sarah Simmons, Margaret Gatchell, Mary Corcoran, Mazie Smith
1924 — Evelyn Pierson, Mary Boyd, Ann Racine, Ann Bolinjar
1925 — Marian Bakevon, Agnea Hlebak
1926 — Beulah Bailiff, Lillian Russell, Evelyn Stewart, Leah Algard, Ruth Bostic, Olive Mann, Ida Lair.
1927 — Leah Elizabeth Algard, Lillian Ruth Russell, Evelyn Kathryn Stewart.

Can you check if Delena Howell attended The Nursing School,between 1927. And 1930. Her married would be Delena Pennock.
Patton, here’s a link with a list of the graduates, but I don’t see that name there.