Dan Rodricks Midday on WYPR Highlights Cecil County

We try to stay up on media coverage related to Cecil County history and culture in order to share news about the creation of these materials with the blogosphere.  An April 1st broadcast on the Baltimore Public Radio outlet, WYPR, slipped past us somehow but it  came up this evening during the public hearing on the tax rate.

As a regular feature on WYPR’s midday with Dan Rodricks the show travels once a month to a Maryland county to highlight that location.  For April the Rodricks show’s hour-long examination focused on Cecil.  The Maryland county of the month segment included pieces on the marriage industry, a haunted historic landmark, tolls at Perryville, fireworks plants, and a few other subjects.

When the paranormal investigator, Rob, called in for his segment, Dan found the “haunting of this historic landmark” of particular interest.  Rob reported that his group conducted an intensive study at the 18th century property, Elk Landing.  Using sophisticated instruments to capture data, the investigation found a number of spirits in the centuries old property that he  believes are members of the Hollingsworth family.  The nonprofit organization that oversees the landmark is using the paranormal studies as a fundraiser and they are planning another one for the this Oct. it was reported.

After engaging talk about spirits, it was back to more practical things.  The host was concerned with questions such as whether we lean more toward Baltimore, Philadelphia or the Eastern Shore.  Kilby Ice Cream, Country and Western Music, and Fair Hill were other subjects. 

Although we’re late in announcing this broadcast, it is still archived on the WYPR web site.  Click here and scroll down to the April 1st stream and click on the Maryland County of the month link to listen to the radio show.

0 Replies to “Dan Rodricks Midday on WYPR Highlights Cecil County”

  1. As the new “King of All Media” for Cecil County and all of the Eastern Shore, I am very concerned about WCCP missing this important program and not supplying the required data for an interested public that needs to know. Could it be that the emporer is wearing no clothes? In this case “King”? But I jest. Interesting that Mr. Rodricks would focus on the “supernatural” rather than doing his homework and digging up the other, in my opinion, more interesting historic facts about the area, especially about Elk Landing, which is a-wash in social history, and both willing and waiting for the opportunity for a well positioned data blast.

  2. Can’t speak for the NPR Outlet on why they focused on the subjects. The reality is that about three-quarters of an hour of broadcast time is available so on a broad subject like a county producers have to make decisions on what to include. That’ s just a practical thing as they concentrate on what gets a broad, sophisticated audience’s attention. But they’re certainly able to speak for themselves, rather than try to have us speculate on a subject that is of importance to you.

    On your point about us not noticing this, you’re right. We missed it, no question about that. Especially as it concerns media attention to Cecil that originates in the larger media markets, we try not to miss much since there’s usually a depth and quality to that content. At the tax rate hearings last night is when it came to our attention as a citizen was illustrating how local government brings broad value to the county. When the person mentioned it, we check the archive on it as soon as possible.

    We’re regular NPR listeners, but we missed it. In references to the Rodrick’s question about the sphere of iinfluence our primary NPR outlet has always been WHYY, but we do drift over to WYPR, which is an excellent station, for the locally originated Maryland coverage.

    Since we don’t have anything to do with this, other than just mentioning it, you might check with the stakeholders involved directly since the subjec appears to have really special interest to you..\

    But thinks for reading Window on Cecil County’s Past.

  3. I’m jerking your chain Mike. But I think it a major concern to anyone interested in Cecil County history or tourism when haunted houses take center stage over “real” history in an NPR no less, produced program. There is plenty of blame to go around, including myself. The point is, the sooner Cecil County steps into the 21st century and takes advantage of all resources to promote itself the better. And cutting tourism budgets is not the place to start. Dragging old, set in their ways board of directors kicking and screaming into the new ways to present and interrpret history would help too. Anyway, keep up the good work… but don’t let it happen again!! : )

  4. Now Publius, you’re going to force me to defend yet another party. Why not just say hey it’s great there was some exposure on a major national radio outlet!

    Anyway, the paranormal group is an enthusiastic bunch of volunteers and they go at their work with diligence, professionalism and quality equipment. I watched them when they did a study of the historical society once, and they’re a first-class operation. If that’s what the show host wanted and he obviously found the interview of interest to his broad audience, who am I or you to say, it shouldn’t have “taken center stage” on the show.

    We aren’t the shows producers and we don’t know their audience, and perhaps that’s what Elk Landing pitched, rather than the history. I couldn’t say.

    Just relax. Be glad they covered the subject, okay!

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