History & Nature Tour at the Landing on Sept. 22

Elk Landing Press Release 

Come to The Landing on Saturday September 22 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. for a unique tour of history and nature.  Help the Landing welcome back Maryland State Naturalist, Nicole Heinrich of the Fair Hill Nature Center.  Nicole will talk about how the changing seasons will be experienced on Elk Landing’s 60 plus acres.  That goes for both the many species of plants and animals that populate The Landing.  What do the animals do over the winter?  How will the Little Elk Creek change?  And what makes those leaves change color, anyway? That’s the nature side of things.

As for the history, check out the location of the newly discovered Fort Hollingsworth that saved Elkton from the British torch during the War of 1812.  A member of the Elk Landing Foundation will explain the archaeology that led to this spring’s discovery, the significance of the find, and the roll of the fort and its defenders during the war. The web site at www.elklanding.org and click on Research to see the full report of the archaeological field session that found the fort.

There’s lots to do at Elk Landing on September 22.  See you there!

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