As lightning periodically illuminated the cold, rainy night of December 8, 1963, five airliners flew in a holding pattern above Cecil County, awaiting clearance to land at Philadelphia International Airport. One craft, lightning crackling nearby as it circled, was Pan American Airways Flight 214. Suddenly the tower heard a transmission from that flight: “Mayday, mayday, mayday, clipper 214 out of control. Here we go . . .” Another circling plane radioed: “Clipper 214 is going down in flames.”
At quiet firehouses around the county, clocks ticked unhurriedly toward 9 p.m. that stormy Sunday evening until the emergency radio crackled to life with the startling alert: “Station 3, you have a plane crash,” the steady, professional voice of Rosemary Culley, the dispatcher at the control center, said. Following the first report that a large craft had “exploded and gone down in flames,” every phone in the dispatch center started ringing off the hook. While answering those lines and handling communications with several agencies that were swinging into action, the lone dispatcher coordinated the response of emergency responders.
Listening to the decades-old tape of communications that night, it rapidly became apparent that this was a major catastrophe. Chief Edgar Slaughter, who was leading his men to the scene to search for survivors and put out fires, radios in many times asking for more information, help, and equipment. Within minutes of the first alert, Rosemary puts out a general alarm: “All available ambulances respond to a plane crash at Delancy Road in Elkton.”
The Eighty-one people aboard the doomed craft perished when it exploded and plunged into a cornfield outside Elkton after being struck by lightning. This horrifying explosion and crash of the Pan American Airways Boeing 707 is the most serious disaster in the history of Cecil County and the most serious air disaster in Maryland’s history. That terrible night is something residents living in the area at the time or the first responders rushing to that Maryland cornfield will never forget.
Note – Here are some additional resources.
Emergency Communications Audio — Rosemary Culley preserved the emergency radio communications tape from Sunday evening, Dec. 8, 1963, and the Singerly Fire Company Museum has made a few minutes of the recording available online. We’ve now placed the entire recording of about 30 minutes on the Net. See the audio player at the bottom of this page to hear the emergency broadcast. Thanks to Rosemary Culley for preserving and making this valuable recording available.
Official Report — Click here to read the official CAB report.
Another Airline Crashes in Cecil County — On Memorial Day 1947, Eastern Airlines Flight 605 crashed near Port Deposit, killing all 53 people on board the craft. To read about this disaster click here.
First Emergency Responder to Arrive on Scene of 1963 Plane Crash Recalls Tragic Night

This is the official CAB Report from the Civil Aeronautics Board. It is from the Department of Transportation Digital Library. This site contains many other aircraft accident reports. We are providing the link for the report here. You have to register to gain access to the site, but the documents are free. In case you don’t want to do that we have uploaded it to this blog post and you may view it by clicking on the link above.
Cecil County Fire Headquarters dispatches units to the crash of Pan Am Flight 214 on Sunday, Dec. 8, 1963, just before 9 p.m. This is the actual audio of the first 7 minutes and 47 seconds of a much longer recording
Hi Mike,
I’m a Picture Researcher working in London, England for Carlton Books, and I’m interested in using the pictures of the Pan Am crash in a book I’m working on about extreme weather. Can help me with high resolution files that can be reproduced, or contact details of the source of the photographs please?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Many thanks,
Ben White
My father’s brother and six additional friends (all men) were on that flight. We were Philadelphians but we were living in San Juan, Puerto Rico at the time where my father intended to build a hotel. The 7 guys came to San Juan on a vacation. I remember this well. The plane stopped in Baltimore on its way to Philadelphia, then got struck by lighting which ended in tragedy only because the plane was loaded with the wrong type of fuel for such weather. We then had to move home to Philadelphia. Years later, in 1992, in federal bankruptcy court, I bought Pan Am’s name and marks.
Sam, thanks for sharing your family remeberance.
Ben, we’ll be in touch by email. Thanks
I am in a Flight Safety Class at Hampton University in Hampton, Va. We are doing a short presentation on the Pan Am 214 accident on Dec 8 1963. We would love the entire recording of about 30 minutes of the emergency broadcast. I tried to click on the link but it didn’t work. If you could email me the broadcast I would much appreciate it.
Leslie, I have the link fixed now. Give it a try.
As the anniversary draws near my thoughts and prayers are with those who were impacted by this tragedy. My husband was one of the ones the Navy assigned to perform the recovery efforts. He is still haunted by the events of that night. My sincerest hope is that those involved in whatever way find some peace.
Paula, thank you for remembering. The historical society often hears from people (relatives, fire & police responders, and others) having some connection with the events that unfold on that stormy Sunday in December so long ago. Over ten years ago, the pilots son came to Elkton to visit the site and area. Today I was talking with one of the first responders from the fire department, who was a 17 year old when he answered the call on the local fire company ambulance.
Mike we so appreciate your efforts to keep history alive for our children and grandchildren. It helps to be able to show them some experiences their father and grandfather has had. He has always been their hero. Now they have evidence that he was someone elses hero as well. Blessings and Merry Christmas to you and your family.
My stepdads father was killed standing in the field in their backyard when this happened from the plane crash.
My stepfather is still alive in the nursing home… I am contemplating on telling him about this article..
They say its the only time He has ever really cried in his life😥
Paula, next year will mark the 50th anniversary of the tragedy that so suddenly affected so many people. We’ve been talking about doing a special program to remember the tragedy that happened in that cornfield at the edge of town on that stormy Sunday night so long ago. We’re just starting to think about it and will post information as plans move along. Time is getting on and it would be great to have people come and share their memories of the tragedy so we can create a permanent historical record. In Elkton, the old police chief, fire dispatcher, telephone company linemen, firefighters and ambulance drivers are still around locally. There are many others we haven’t met such as the young Navy recruits rushed to Elkton to help. Thanks again for sharing
Mike that sounds like a wonderful idea. Ron thinks that would be something he could do to help bring some closure for himself. Please keep us infomed. Thanks again.
I was one of those young Navy Recruits attending Radioman School at Bainbridge. Md. Being in shock helped those of us who was on sight for days I went on to spend 8 yrs in the Navy becoming a 2nd class radioman. I still have dreams of the sight at 76 years of age.
Walter Lapinsky
West Virginia
Donald, thank you for sharing this recollection from 76 years ago.
Paula thanks so much. We’d be pleased to have Ron join us. In January we’ll start talking about this to see how we want to move forward and get some firms plans together. We’ll post notices as we move along. Thanks again.
Looking forward to hearing the details as they unfold. Happy New Year to you and yours.
Mike , I can’t tell if this site is still active. No recent comments since Dec. of 2011. I have been to the 911 crash site in Pa. and have passed the memorial placed in Port deposit. Is there any kind of memorial at the Delancy road site?
Gerald, there is a small monument at this site. It’s right off Delancy Road in at Wheelhouse Drive, a roadway leading into a development. It’s right near where the nose of the plane came down. I’ll see if I can post some pics and an article about the dedication ceremony later, Gerald.
I learnt about this tragedy only yesterday; quite frankly, I was shocked. My Husband was born in 1963, he grew up in the area and had not learnt of such a disaster until his Australian wife (me) explained what happened. We are both Airborne ex military members, my father once a RAAF pilot in WW2, and to think that such a huge loss of life like this could have occurred just a few miles from our home – its unbelievable – ….I drive up Delancy Rd every day! Such heroic efforts by all that were involved….if there is anything I can do to assist with any memorial or remembrance of this event…please contact me….
Thanks Lyndal. Keep an eye on our posts and as we get closer to the event and begin actual work it, we’ll always be glad to have a few extra hands. Meanwhile check out some of our other programs. We think you’ll enjoy some of those too. Since you are in the area you might want to stop b the Historical Society Library (135 E. Main Street in Elkton) and check out our files on the disater. Again thanks so much for our interest.
I was one of the sailors who helped with the horrific recovery of the remains. And I was wondering if Paula Lancaster is the wife of Ronnie Lancaster from Munster, Indiana. I was in radio school in Bainbridge, Maryland with Ronnie Lancaster. John Kanable of Cookeville, TN previously of Kokomo, Indiana My contact info is harleysdad@twlakes.net
John, thanks for sharing your story about helping out with the recovery.
Just wondering if you happened to know Robert (Bob) Jensen. From my understanding he was also on that call via the naval training center. He was my biological father, but I never had an opportunity to know him personally.
Dawn, we don’t Sorry we are unable to help.
I am a photo researcher for a children’s book publisher called Capstone. I am currently working on a book titled “Threatening Skies: History’s Most Dangerous Weather.” We would like to include the first photo on this page of the firefighter looking at the impact for the deadliest lightning strike. Do you own the rights to the photo? If not, can you direct me to the person who does?
Thank you,
Marcie Spence
Marcie, I will email you directly on this. Thanks
.Although I was only 7 years old, I remember that night vividly. There was a terrible thunderstorm, and my Mother went into labor with my brother. Our neighbor, my babysitter, was terrified of storms, and was known to hide under her bed. I remember Mom being so upset that she had to pull her our from under the bed to come over and watch me. My brother was born in the wee hours of December 9th. The stories she told about being in the emergency room waiting area were horrific.
My sister-in-law (a teenager then) lived on the farm where the plane went down. She would never speak about it.
Thanks Sandy for sharing your memory about that tragic night.
Hi I actually live on delancy about 100 yards from the main impact site. My house has been quite active with spirits and I believe at least one ( a young boy) is from this accident. My home was built in 64 however pieces of the wreckage were strewn across my property. I am now with a paranormal investigation team in Cecil county and we are interested in speaking to anyone involved in that nights rescue efforts or witnesses. You can reach us on Facebook ( Cecil and beyond paranormal) or email me at parsonsmisty66@yahoo.com
We believe in respecting those who tragically lost their lives that night and those who lost family members/friends. We mean absolutely no disrespect and only want to learn from this incident.
Thanks for sharing your story.
I remember Pan Am Flight 214 My name Mary Shelby and lived on route 213 in Elkton I was about 5 years old . I was looking up out the window at the lighting when it surround’ed the plane ,It fell from the sky, I new as a child it was,not going to be good It was not a good night for me.
Mary thanks for sharing your memory of that evening.
My name is Russell Crowe navy veteran. I was instructed by our chief to board a navy bus along with 10 other sailors. I had just finished boot camp and was to report to FTG “A” school in Bainbridge Maryland. When we arrived plane was still burning and smoking. Clothes were on the ground and in trees. Body parts were everywhere including three infants. Watches,billfolds and jewelry were turned over to state police. The first day we had no gloves. Day 2 &3 we had gloves.
Russell, thank you for sharing your memory of those days.
.This event certainly impacted a lot of people in the area. Although it was a tragedy, I enjoy reading the comments and stories. I know I’ll never forget that night.
My father commanded a MP company at Aberdeen Proving Ground, and his company was called out to patrol the site to prevent looters from looting the bodies and suitcases. He was gone for days, when he returned home, even though I was only 5, I was stunned by how shaken and exhausted he was. He told me many years later that the crash was so horrific that he picked up a woman’s bra that didn’t have a single drop of blood on it- it had been blown off of a passenger. He had served in World War II and Korea, and he said that crash was far worse than anything he had ever seen in the wars.
Jerri thanks for sharing your fathers experience.
On this night my father and mother were heading to church when they saw this happen. After calling the authorities they called the Baltimore Sun to report what they saw. A couple weeks later they got a reward from the newspaper.
My husband Donald Holmes was Disaster chairman for the Red Cross for Harford County and we had to go to take coffee and food for the men that had to work the site. It was a very eerie place and you don’t forget it.
In 1963 I was driving over a bridge that crosses the railroad tracks on Bridge St. in Elkton when I saw lightning strike the left wing tip of PA Fl. 214. My parents lived on the east side of town and I thought it was going to come down or near their house, so I sped to Hermitage Dr. quickly. It was still raining down a little further east of their house. I kept going and was one of the few people there before the 1st responders. I thought I could help someone, all I could do was pray for all on board. The sights are forever etched in my mind. On May 31, 1947 my mother and her brother witnessed the crash of EA Fl 605 in Port Deposit after it passed over my grandfather’s farm in Port Deposit. They were also one of the 1st on the scene, in a wooded area, near the farm. She would never fly after that.
Norma thanks for sharing your memory of the tragedy.
I was playing outside of my sisters house in Elk Mills with my nieces and nephews . I heard lightning crack and looked up and seen the fireball dropping out of the sky. I knew it hit the plane because moments before I heard the plane and saw it’s lights blinking. A sad night for sure.
I lived in Elkmore when it happened,it was really storming that nite and i remember watching out our sliding doors and seeing the flash of light it really scared me,something you never forget after you find out what that light you seen really was..
This is interesting to read all the comments and stories of those who responded and witness such an event. My Grandfather was actually one of the pilots of flight 214. George F Knuth, quoted saying MAYDAY MAYDAY, here we go.
I am glad there are still people out there who remember this. Glad to know he was not forgotten.
Robert, thanks for visiting the page. Were you in Elkton for the remembrance program? For the first responders in Elkton on the call that night, that is something they will never be able to forget. And the same applies to those living in the community at the time, as so many lives were disrupted and altered in so many ways on that Sunday night.
My father in law was the flight engineer.
Very very sad, I cannot see a passenger list of names and ages, would be nice for relatives to find after searching, apologies if there is one here, please point us to it. Peace to all.
I empathize with everyone affected by this tragedy. I learned about this accident by reading a newspaper account. My father, as KC -135 navigator was killed in mid-air collision. 15 October 1959 Hardinsburg Ky. I spoke to people who witnessed a cockpit and engine land 150 feet from their home. Everyone is definitely unique in dealing with tragedy. God Bless everyone. I volunteered as aircraft grief counselor and it immensely helped myself and others deal with personal loss. I am proud to have helped others working through grief. It is one my proudest achievements giving genuine comfort and understanding to virtual strangers.
Scott, thank you for sharing your personal story about your father and your work as an aircraft grief counselor.