Singerly Adds “Heavy-Duty Pumper” to Department in 1952

As Elkton shook off the effects of the Great Depression and World War II a tremendous amount of growth occurred in the community.  To keep up with the demands of the expanding place, new housing developments sprouting up in farm fields at the edge of town, the Singerly Fire Company launched a series of advances.  One of those involved replacing two obsolete pieces of firefighting equipment with a 1952 Oren, a “heavy duty pumper,” capable of pumping 750 gallons of water a minute.  It also had a booster tank carrying three hundred gallons of water.  Costing almost $17,000, the Oren went in service in January 1952.  The department also had a modern fire station on North Street for the unit, which had opened in 1950.  It is this unit that recently returned home to Singerly.

The Oren parked near the station on North Street.
A January 1952 article about the Oren from the Cecil Demorat.

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