Society Prepares Winter Speakers Series: Elkton in the 1960s, the Past that is All Around Us, Prohibition and More

When the cool autumn weather arrives it will once again be time for the Historical Society of Cecil County to kick-off its popular speakers’ series for the 2013-14 season.  Beginning in the middle of autumn and stretching all the way through the cold months of winter, the Society hosts a series of lively, engaging speakers on fresh topics that have popular appeal, introduce new research or provide practical, how-to instruction.  The programs take place on the first Saturday of each month at 2:00 p.m. at the Cecil County History and Genealogy Library at 135 E. Main Street, Elkton, MD.

Now that the 1960s are history and not just nostalgia the Society is opening an exhibit this fall that celebrates and studies the happenings of that era locally so the monthly lectures kick-off with a program delving into the period. On October 5th  Milford Sprecher examines “Elkton in the 1960s.”  This first-time lecture captures the spirit of those years locally and provides the perspective of someone who came of age during that pivotal time.

There will be practical, how-to research subjects also.  Emily Kilby’s “Reconstructing 100 Ruins,” delves into exploring the past that is nearby and all around us in Fair Hill and we will have a workshop on researching the history of your old house.

Sean Moir applies modern methods to an old topic, “The Philadelphia Campaign in the Revolutionary War.”   He approaches the session from the  cartographer’s perspective and uses historical temporal GIS mapping to animate the story and the route through Cecil County.

Once a hint of spring arrives again in Cecil, it will be time to wrap up the series, but we are planning a particularly exciting theme to end a great season.  The last event takes place in April as the Society brings you “Pass the Rum:  the Rise and Fall of Temperance and Prohibition in Cecil County.”  Following the fun-filled discussion guests are invited to attend the First Annual Bootlegger’s Ball.  You will have to stay tuned for details as our Bootlegger’s Ball sponsor, Beth Boulden-Moore, lines things up for our guests.

Watch for an announcement outlining the 2013-14 schedule and for detailed announcements about each individual program as the particular months roll around.  The place to stay up-to-date with the latest news is the Society’s History blog at  Also be sure to check for regular updates and any last-minute changes, such as weather cancellations.

The volunteers at Cecil County’s History and Genealogy Library are excited about the engaging free humanities programs of county-wide interest that we have lined up for our popular series.  Look for the full calendar on this history news blog shortly and be sure to hold the first Saturday of each month on your calendar for these new events.

Emily Kilby doing some research with the colonial era road books in preparation for her talk on "Reconstructing 100 Ruins" the story about the past that is all around us at Fair Hill.
Emily Kilby doing some research with the colonial era road books in preparation for her talk on “Reconstructing 100 Ruins” the story about the past that is all around us at Fair Hill.

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