Tales the Tombstones Whisper Focus of Talk at Historical Society on Nov. 3rd.

Many cemeteries have been lost to the passage of time. This tombstone, from an old family plot, is found in the woods near Frenchtown Road.

Cemeteries are a link to the past and a careful study of old burial grounds often provides greater insights into history and genealogy.  As a result, the Historical Society Cecil County will examine this aspect of our past in a talk called “Tales the Tombstones Whisper” on Saturday, Nov. 3, 2012, at 9 a.m.  The free lecture takes place at the Society’s library at 135 E. Main Street in Elkton.

The presentation by historian Mike Dixon traces the evolution of graveyards, explores some fascinating tales tombstones whisper, considers interesting epitaphs, and discusses changing practices and customs.  The program includes suggestions for using a visit to an old burial ground to understand and trace local and family history.

For those pursing elusive clues to the past, there is a great deal of information waiting to be discovered in these final resting places so, weather permitting, the group will stroll over to a local cemetery after the talk to search for history in stone.

Anyone who is curious about old graveyards or is involved in searching out insights to the past will find this engaging program to be of interest.

This program kicks off the Society’s 2012-13 lecture season.  Beginning in the middle of fall and stretching all the way through the cold months of winter, the Society hosts a series of lively, engaging speakers on topics ranging from practical research methods to fresh lectures that have broad appeal.  The programs take place on the first Saturday of each month.

All talks are designed to be informative and enjoyable while concentrating on fresh, broadly engaging topics or applied sessions to help you with your research.  Visit the Society’s website at www.cecilhistory.org for additional information.

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