Talk Explores the Era When the Honeymoon Express Rolled Into Elkton, Bringing Cupid’s Wedding Business To Town

Just in time for June, a busy month for weddings in Elkton, the colorful story of that era is being presented in a captivating talk by Mike Dixon.   Hear about how the quick marriage business got started in Cecil County in 1913 and for several decades made the place hum as the marrying parsons worked overtime, cranking out some 12,000 marriages annually in the mid-1930s.

SPONSOR:  The Historical Society of Cecil County

WHAT:        Talk on Elkton’s Marriage History

WHERE:      135 E. Main St. Elkton

WHEN:         May 25, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.

Free with light refreshments

Elkton wedding

For more on Quick Wedding in Elkton

When the Honeymoon Express Rolled into Elkton, Brining Cupid’s Wedding Business

The Marrying Clerk Replaces the Marrying Minister

0 Replies to “Talk Explores the Era When the Honeymoon Express Rolled Into Elkton, Bringing Cupid’s Wedding Business To Town”

  1. Per your reply, I am awaiting a mailing from you regarding Elkton as the Gretna Green of the U.S. Could you please include or forward any info on why couples continued to come to Elkton to elope after 1938 when Maryland instituted the same waiting period as the other states in the east. Were there reasons other than romantic tradition? I am writing a novel which has a chapter based on an actual couple who had to marry in 1947 and still chose to go to Elkton rather than marry in New York City. Why would people in this position still find eloping in Elkton more attractive? Thank you for your help.

  2. Madelaine, one of our volunteers, Margie Glover, was working on your request last week and I believe she put material in the mail. You should have received that today or certainly sometime this week, but I’ll check with her too. They were off for the holiday. Feel free to phone me too, if you want to discuss this more. It’s certainly an intersting question you propose there, and it has some unusual twists and turns that might be helpful for you. As the written record doesn’t document that too well, it might be more helpful if we talk. I’ll send you my cell number via email and we can pick a time to talk.

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