Votes for Women

Votes for Women
Library Program – Cecil County LIbrary, North East Branch
Tues. Feb. 12, 2019 @ 6:30 p.m.
by Mike Dixon

As the nation prepares to celebrate the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage in 2020, the Cecil County Public Library is offering a program that takes a look at this historic struggle. The organizing, petitioning, picketing, educating, and politicking that went on will be presented in this lively program by Mike Dixon.

In addition to considering the brave women who fought for access to the ballot box, this program takes a special look at local happenings, including the time when the women’s suffrage army occupied Cecil County for a couple of days as they marched on Washington, D.C.

All the marching, protesting, and incarcerations pressured Congress, resulting in ratification of the 19th amendment. But for it to become the law of the land, at least 36 states needed to vote in favor of the Constitutional Amendment.

Maryland was not among those states, the Legislature voting against giving ladies equal access to the ballot box on Feb. 20, 1920. However, once the 36th state, Tenessee, approved the Constitution was amendeded, and the ladies voted in the 1920 presidential election.

It was not easy, but through committed action spanning generations, women had won the vote. Maryland’s lawmakers finally caught up with the times, ratifying the 19th Amendment on March 29, 1941. But somehow, someone in Annapolis forgot to certify the vote until Feb. 25. 1948.

As the library puts the spotlight on this narrative, learn about the times, the politics, and the culture of the movement at the Cecil County Public Library program.

Click this link for more information and to register for the program.

This program takes place at the:
North East Branch Library
106 West Cecil Avenue
North East, MD

The 1921 Voter’s Registration book for Cecil County shows the names of women on the voter rolls.

Source: Cecil County Voter Registration Books in the archives of the Historical Society of Cecil County.

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