Cecil Guardian Article Highlights 200th Anniversary of War of 1812 Walking Tour in Charlestown

The August 2, 2012 issue of the Cecil Guardian carried an excellent piece written by Drewe Phinny on the War of 1812 walking tour taking place in Charlestown on August 12, 2012.  On that day, people will hear fascinating stories of the area’s experience during the conflict.  While the walk draws on tales from all over Cecil, its situated in the attractive colonial setting of Charlestown’s historic district.

We’re going to hear thrilling tales of the time the enemy came to our rivers, our shores and our towns, creating some frightening and thrilling times as the local militia hastily responded to the call to defend the county.  Living history interpreters will dramatically present these first hand accounts of such an alarming time.  In between, Historian Mike Dixon will delve more deeply into the local accounts, while also connecting the area with what was happening on the Chesapeake and in the nation.  Once the sky begins to darken, lanterns will be on hand to light the way as we continuing meeting characters from the past and make our way through old colonial streets.

Check out this week’s guardian for the full story.  Thanks Drewe and Cecil Guardian.

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